Page 51 of The Ranger's Baby

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“Out to the lake to check on Laura.”

Eagle narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

“Because she seemed upset when she ran out of here.”

“And that’s your concern why?”

“We’re friends.”

Eagle lifted one eyebrow.

“What? That’s all it is. All it can be.”

“So what’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know. She just doesn’t seem like herself.”

“And you would know that how?”

“I told you we’re friends.”

“After sleeping together?”


“How’s that working out for you?”

Sunny scowled at him. “Fine.”

“There’s nothing else between you?” When Sunny growled, Eagle held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just asking, Sunny. Honestly I think it would be fine if there was.”

Sunny sighed. It felt like this kept coming up. Maybe if he’d talked more about himself over the years it wouldn’t be such a surprise to all of them.

“I’m not a relationship kind of guy. I had shit examples of it growing up.”

“That doesn’t mean you’ll be terrible at it, too.”

“Maybe, but Laura is the kind of woman who deserves a good husband and family. I doubt I could ever give her those things.”

Even though she had told him she didn’t want those things either. He didn’t mention that, though.

Eagle watched him for a moment before shrugging. “That’s up to you I guess. Need a ride out there?”

“No, I’ll take a truck. Tori said I could drive.”

“Alright, you’re still off duty in the barn for the rest of the week.”

“What? No way—”

“I’m your boss, Sunny. No work.”

Sunny scowled at him but knew better than to argue. “Whatever you say, sir.”

Eagle’s smile matched Sunny’s sarcasm. “You know it, Ranger. Now get off my couch.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle as he left the cabin and headed for the lake.

The day was warm, but Sunny knew tonight would be cool. Hopefully, Cap had thought far enough ahead in his party planning to get some outdoor heaters. As he drove slowly back to the main road and the scant mile to the new driveway, Laura filled his thoughts. She’d seemed upset, but he had to admit he didn’t know her well enough to understand why.

Was it just the idea of people talking about her, or was she uncomfortable being associated with him somehow? He didn’t know why that idea irritated him, but it did. Either way, he was just checking on her. As a friend. Nothing else.
