Page 64 of The Ranger's Baby

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Laura was pregnant. And unless she’d done some sleeping around since Vegas, he was the father.

* * *

Laura wokeup to the sound of angry voices.

“And you don’t think you’re as responsible as her?” a woman asked. Was that Harper? She wasyelling? Laura had never heard her speak above a low conversational tone.

“Who else’s fault would it be? Wasn’t she on a fucking birth control when she booked a weekend to get fucked?”

“Of course, she was! I took her to the clinic myself for the shot. Didn’t you use a condom?”

No, they definitely hadn’t.

When Rafe didn’t answer her, Laura forced her eyes open, but no one noticed her.

“And how about the fact that she’s almost eight weeks pregnant and didn’t bother to mention it!”

Harper’s face was livid. “She’s only known a couple of weeks herself, you jackass.”

The disgust on Rafe’s face made her want to hide. Harper’s sad eyes didn’t help. Tori joined them at that moment.

“Yes, Laura. We estimate about two months along. Have you had any prenatal care?”

She shook her head, stunned. “No. I…I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.”

Tori just shrugged. “No birth control is fool proof.”

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? What was all that bullshit about not wanting kids? Huh?”

“Sunny, that’s enough,” Tori said frowning at him.

“Because it was none of your business,” Laura interrupted.

“Oh, yeah. Sure. That makes perfect sense,” Sunny said the sarcasm thick in his voice. “Hate to break it to you, Freckles, but I’m not father material so you picked the wrong sucker to con. I want a paternity test.”

Laura reeled back as though he’d slapped her, then turned to Tori. “Is it too late to…to abort?” she said and her voice cracked on the last word.

Tori studied her. “It’s not. You have a little time, but you’ll need to make a decision soon for the least invasive methods to work.”

Rafe snorted. “Right, sure. You want to get rid of the meal ticket?”

“As if I’d want any baby of yours. You’re a serial bachelor and by your own admission not cut out to be a father. Why would I tell you anything about it? We’re not in a relationship,” she demanded, anger replacing her fear. This world was a sick and dangerous place. Laura had left her whole life behind to get out from under people who controlled her and took away her choices. A baby would take all that away.

Harper stepped close to the bed. “It will be fine, Laura.”

Laura glared at her. “Why? You want to raise mine since you can’t have any?”

Harper paled, her breath catching, but she didn’t step away. “No, I just meant you aren’t alone. I can help you through this and then you can give the baby up for adoption. Lots of people who want kids can’t have them,” she finished quietly, but Laura heard the pain.

“And what about you?” Laura said, not ready to be done lashing out. Anything to push the fear away for the moment.

Harper’s smile was sad. “I’m not really fit to be a parent either. You know that.”

“And if I want to keep it?”

She waited as Harper studied her. “If that’s what you really want, I’ll help you. We can do this. We have a home now.”

Laura deflated, and she reached blindly for Harper’s hand as tears formed and then streamed down her face. When she squeezed her hand Laura broke. All of it had been for nothing. They were trapped again. At least for the next eight months. But she still had Harper. Or at least she would once she apologized.
