Page 65 of The Ranger's Baby

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“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.

Harper’s arms were thin, but strong around her. “I know you didn’t mean it. It’s a lot. But you aren’t alone.”

A snort from the end of the bed caught her attention. Laura looked and found Rafe glaring at her, so she glared right back.

“There will be no paternity test. Whatever I decide to do will bemydecision.”

“Then don’t expect anything from me.”

Laura felt her heart break at those words. “I never did. Please leave.”

For a long second she wasn’t sure if he would listen, but Tori shoved him toward the door. He resisted, his eyes burning into hers. Then he was gone. The silence was thick, but eventually Tori spoke up. “Laura I’m going to have obstetrics come in and do a full check on you. We still need to x-ray your knee, but I don’t think it’s broken. Possibly sprained?”

How much worse could this mess get? Eli was leaving in two days to go on a cruise. She was the manager and now not only would she not be able to walk, but she was fucking pregnant. She’d be lucky to even have a job.

“Laura?” Tori asked, and she realized she needed to answer her.

“That’s fine.”

“Are you thinking abortion?”

Laura shook her head. Even though she never wanted kids, she knew she couldn’t go that route. Everyone had to walk their own journey, and she didn’t judge those who made that choice. It was a personal one.

“No. I’ll carry it and make that decision later.”

“Ok. You know Eagle can’t fire you right? That would be discrimination and you could justifiably sue him. Plus, your leg is actually worker’s compensation.”

Was she that easy to read? She must have said that out loud because Tori let out a mirthless laugh.

“No, that’s just what I would be worried about.”

“I can’t stay there though.”

Tori cocked her head to the side. “Why not? You have a job and a home.”

“Because they won’t want me if they think I tricked one of their own into having a baby.”

Tori waved a dismissive hand. “That’s Sunny for you. None of the others will believe it. He has his own story. I’m not sure how much of it you know already, but I promise you he’s a good man.”

Laura had thought so too. She’d never held it against him that there were no feelings. Hell, she’d been grateful for it. Feelings led to love. Love led to control. And even though she’d been feeling things…she was never giving up control again.

Though it had been nice to surrender to Rafe…had that really only been last night? And Tori was right. He was a good man. He’d made every time they came together amazing and even while working together he’d been kind, helpful, and at times even funny.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of man he is. I don’t want a man. Probably not a baby either, but someone will want it, I’m sure.”

“Definitely. Do you want to speak to our social worker? She can put you in contact with some adoption agencies.”

“Yes, please.”

“Alright. Get some rest. The obstetrician was on call so it will be a bit before she’s here.”

Laura closed her eyes, but she was so glad Harper’s hand was still in her’s. It meant she wasn’t alone. Her other hand drifted toward the gentle round of her stomach. Although at least for the next seven months, she’d never be alone at all.
