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Everyone looks awkward and no one says a thing. I throw the camera strap over my shoulder and stalk after her. I end up finding her on the bench I sat on earlier and drop down beside her. I know I went too far and need to apologize. But, she’s driving me crazy. I’ve never been so attracted to anyone like this.

“Sorry,” I mumble. “You didn’t deserve that.”

She swipes at her nose and when she looks over at me, I’ve never seen eyes so incredibly blue. Like the Caribbean Sea.

“I was so excited for this shoot, but...I don’t think I want to work with you anymore,” she says.

This should’ve been one of the best experiences of her life and I ruined it. I turned into a verbally-abusive asshole because I didn’t like the way she was making me feel.Not cool, Nick. So not cool.


“Don’t you mean Sienna?”

I let out a sigh. “I’m an asshole, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay,” she says and frowns. “And, if that’s your attempt at an apology, it really sucks.”

I feel the corner of my mouth edge up and have to give her credit. She’s a saucy little thing when she wants to be. I look up at the lowering sun and know it’s time to call it a day. I got every shot I wanted plus 1,000 more. “I sincerely apologize. Truce?”

For a moment, it doesn’t look like she’s going to forgive me. She’s really taking her sweet time, actually, and I arch a brow. Finally, she relents. “Truce.”

The softly-spoken word fills me with an odd sense of relief. “Let me make it up to you and buy you dinner. Since neither of us ate lunch.”

She gives me a strange look, surprised that I knew she didn’t eat, too. But, of course, I knew. I spent every other second of the break, surreptitiously watching her while I was petting Paul.

“You don’t have to,” she says.

“I insist.” When she gives a slight nod, I stand up. “I’m going to let the crew go.”

“We’re done?”

“I got all the shots I wanted and then some.” I start to walk away then turn back. “You did great today,” I add in a low voice.

A surprised, half-smile curves her mouth. “Thanks.”

“I’ll come over at 7 to get you for dinner.”


A few minutes before 7pm, I pace back and forth in my room. I’ve showered, shaved and changed my shirt twice. I feel like I’m about to jump out of my skin. I don’t know what my problem is, but I’ve been acting nuts all day. Since the moment Savannah stepped on set and nearly made me forget to breathe.

That’s what it is about her. When I’m in her presence, I forget. I forget to be professional, forget to be polite, forget my rules, practically forget my own goddamn name. All I can focus on is her. I want tomorrow to be better on set than today’s fiasco so it’s important I smooth things over at dinner.

I just hope Savannah Hart is a forgiving person and we can maintain our truce.

Just one more day, I tell myself. Then, we go our separate ways.

At exactly 7pm, I walk over and knock. As the door swings inward, my mouth drops open a fraction. Savannah wears some slinky red dress and heels that make her look even more tall and slender than usual. She reminds me of a long-stemmed, red rose and I feel a stirring below my belt.

I try not to read too much into it. She’s a model. She’s beautiful.Aren’t they all?

“Hi,” she says and steps out into the hallway. “Where are we eating?”

“Um, I made reservations for Top of the World.”

Her eyes light up. “Where’s that?”
