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“It’s at the top of The Stratosphere. The dining room revolves 360 degrees every 80 minutes.”

“Oh, my gosh, how fun.”

I figured she might like something quintessential Las Vegas. Especially since it’s her first trip here. A half an hour later, we’re sitting at a table beside the large window, looking out over the blinking lights of the city. Actually, I’m looking at Savannah and she’s gazing out the window. The view out the glass may be nice, but the view across the table is even more spectacular.

“This is amazing,” she says. “You can see the whole city.”

“Wait til it starts to spin.”

“Ooh, I can’t wait,” she exclaims.

I open my menu and see a few vegetarian choices, but nothing vegan. “Are you really a vegan?” I ask.

She gives me a sheepish look. “No. I tried to go vegetarian once, but then I realized I couldn’t eat my Mom’s chicken and dumplings and, well, there’s no way I can give those up.”

“I kind of figured by the way you kept eyeballing my steak last night.”

“I did not,” she says. “Well, maybe a little.”

“You’re not originally from L.A., are you?”

“Nope. How’d you guess?”

“You’re normal.”

She laughs. “I’m from Ohio and I think I know one person who’s actually a native Californian. She lives in my apartment complex and, I can assure you, she’s quite normal and very nice.”

When the waiter comes over, I order my usual Jack Daniel’s and she orders water. “You don’t drink?” I ask.

“Not really. I guess every blue moon.”

“There’s a blue moon tonight,” I say and scan down the drink menu. “You like salty or sweet?”

“Sweet,” she says, eyes sparkling.

“Can you make the lady a Kir Royale?” I ask.

“Of course.”

After the waiter walks away, she leans forward. “What’s that?”

“It’s a French cocktail made with Creme de cassis which is a berry-flavored liqueur and champagne.”

“That sounds delicious.”

“It’s about as sweet as you can get.”

“I don’t know a lot about alcohol so thank you for ordering for me.”

“You’re welcome.”

I feel like I should apologize again for today, but I don’t want to even bring it up. Things are going smoothly right now so I decide to wait until after we’ve both had a couple of drinks. “So, you still have family in Ohio?”

She nods. “My parents and younger sister live there. I miss them, but it’s nice to be out here, chasing the dream, you know?”

“When this campaign launches, I think you’ll have achieved your dream.”

“I hope so. Like I told you, I’m saving money for school.”
