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When the plane touches down at LAX, it’s back to the real world and I’m not going to lie. I’m a bit nervous about how people are going to react to our whirlwind wedding. When I tell Savannah we’re going to my place first, she only shrugs.

I get the feeling she’s annoyed with me. And, I’m thinking it’s because I haven’t told anyone we’re married yet. But, hell, what am I supposed to do? Announce it to the world? It’s nobody’s damn business and I’m still trying to get used to the idea myself.

When we get to my place in Malibu, I roll our suitcases up and open the door. It doesn’t look like much from the back where it sits on the edge of the Pacific Coast Highway, but once we step inside, I see Savannah’s eyes widen.

“Oh, my gosh,” she exclaims and walks over to the large, floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the beach and Pacific Ocean. “Your house is literally on the beach. Like right on the freaking sand.”

“I told you it was.” I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. She views everything with such delight and wide-eyed innocence. A true ingenue. I find that precious and so damn refreshing. Nothing was ever good enough for Margo and even the smallest thing seems to make Savannah smile.

“Well, yeah, but you could’ve been exaggerating.” She presses her hands and nose to the window and I can’t help but chuckle.

“C’mere,” I say. I pull her over to a sliding door and show her the balcony. “I usually have my morning coffee out here.”

The waves crash along the shore and the sun is bright against the blazing blue sky above. Savannah steps out and leans over the railing. “It’s perfect,” she says.

While she admires the ocean, I can’t help but admire her. Those long, graceful limbs of hers remind me of a ballerina and I get the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her. So, I do. Savannah wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back, but I feel a distance in her response.

I pull back and study her. “What’s wrong?”

She shrugs and turns her attention back to the ocean.

“Sav? I’m sorry if you’re pissed about whatever happened earlier.”

She turns back and I can see the hurt in her aqua eyes. “You didn’t even introduce me. It’s like I wasn’t even there.”

Shit, now I feel like a complete dick.“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I should have, but I’m still wrapping my head around everything. But, I promise I’ll do better.”

When she doesn’t say anything, I lean down and capture her mouth in a long, heated kiss. And, the moment she melts into me, I know all is forgiven.

“What the hell is going on?” a voice hisses.

We both look over and Margo stands about ten feet away, hands on her hips, green eyes flashing.Oh, shit, here we go,I think. Savannah wanted an introduction and she’s about to get one. Unfortunately, it’s to Margo York.

“We didn’t hear you come in,” I say and glance down at the key in her hand.

“Apparently not.” Her gaze slants to poor Savannah and shoots daggers.

I release Savannah and take a step back. “Margo, this is wife.”

“What?” Her mouth drops and I can tell she’s trying to process what I just said. Except, her brain is in complete denial.

“Hi,” Savannah says in a small voice.

Margo ignores her and turns her full attention to me. “I’m sorry, I think I just hallucinated you saying this person is your wife.”

“That’s right.” I reach for Savannah’s hand. “We met this past weekend in Vegas and I know it’s sudden, but-”

“Sudden?” she interrupts in a shrill voice. “Am I missing something here? I was practically your fiancée, Nicholas.”

“We were never engaged. That was the problem, Margo. You never could seem to understand I didn’t want to marry you.”

“But, you marriedher?” She looks completely baffled and is beginning to sound a little whiny.

“I guess when the right one comes along, yeah.”

Margo’s face turns a deep, mottled shade of red and I swear I see smoke coming out of her ears. A part of me feels bad, but suddenly it becomes crystal clear to me that marrying her would’ve been the biggest mistake of my life. She’s too selfish, too self-absorbed and too rich for my blood.

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