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I’m not sure what she’s referring to, but I appreciate the kind words. “You have a really good, pure soul, Savannah. That’s what I saw.”

“It doesn’t hurt that you’re not too shabby to look at either,” she says with a grin.

“Not too shabby?” I yank her against me. “I’ll show you shabby,” I say and capture her mouth in a kiss. When there’s a knock on the door, we pull apart.

“Do you think it’s Margo again?” she asks.

“No, I bet it’s Paul.”

“Who’s Paul?”

“Come find out,” I say with a mysterious smile. I jog over and throw the door open. And, just like I thought, Noah stands there with a very clean Paul. I drop down, grab his big head in my hands and ruffle his fur. “Hey, there, boy. Good to see you again.”

“He looks like a new dog, huh?” Noah asks. When he notices Savannah, his eyes widen a little in surprise.

“He certainly does,” I say. “You got the money, okay?”

“Sure did. Thanks.”

“Thanks for helping me with Paul.”

“Any time. He’s a good boy.”

I say goodbye to Noah and lead Paul into the house. “Probably should take him out. Wanna come?” I ask Savannah and she nods enthusiastically.

We head down some stairs and I open the back door. We all step down onto the sand, I unleash Paul and he takes off like the happiest dog in the world. We follow him down to the water and watch as he frolics in the surf. “Beats the desert, huh, boy?” I ask him.

With a low whoof, Paul pounces through the water and Savannah and I laugh.

“I can’t believe you brought him back and rescued him,” she says, looking at me with bright eyes. “But, why in the world did you name him Paul?”

“You don’t know?”

She shrugs. “No clue.”

“His full name is Paul Maurice Marciano Knight.”

Savannah bursts out laughing. “The founders of Guess? Oh, my gosh, that’s hysterical.”

We play on the beach with Paul and it’s the best afternoon I’ve had in a long time. Savannah has an inner light that glows so bright. When she asked me why I dared her to marry me, I know that’s one of the reasons. Maybe it sounds silly, but she has this inner beauty that shines so brightly. It draws me to her. Makes me want to get to know her better.

Get to know her thoroughly.

After romping around together for over an hour, the three of us go back inside. Back up in the living room, I feel a breeze and notice glass shards all over the floor. “Don’t move,” I tell her. “Here, hold Paul.”

“What happened?” she asks, taking the dog’s collar.

I wander over to the broken window by the front door and frown. “Someone broke the window.” There’s glass everywhere. “Stay there. I’m going to clean it up.” It had to have been Margo. Who else would’ve done this? I wonder.

“Do you think it was Margo?” Savannah asks, reading my thoughts.

“Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised.” While I sweep the glass up, I wonder what else Margo is capable of doing. After all, what’s the saying?A woman scorned…

I dump the broken shards of glass into a garbage bag, pick up the brick that was used to break the window and take everything out to the trash. When I get back inside, I tell Savannah it might be a good idea to lay low for a few days. “Can we stay at your place?” I ask.

“Sure,” she says. “As long as you don’t mind a small apartment with a view of a pool instead of the ocean.”

“I’ll survive,” I tell her.

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