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Nick drives us over to Sunset Terrace and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. My place is small and cozy. Not to mention, I have a lot of nosy neighbors who are going to be very curious when they see Nick.

We’re also not allowed to have dogs so I’m really hoping to avoid Ryan Fox, the owner and building manager. He lives in the corner unit and has always been very nice to me, but I don’t think it would be good if he saw us sneaking Paul into my place.

Although, it’s inevitable.

My apartment is the middle one, directly facing the pool where everyone gathers, and Ryan is always out and about, fixing things and keeping his eye on the property.

Nick and I don’t pull up until after dark, so I’m hoping luck is on our side. He parks his Dodge in the street since my car is in the spot behind the building and while he gathers his stuff out of the trunk, I take Paul’s leash.

I told Nick that I couldn’t have dogs so we sneak up the walkway as quietly as possible and the coast looks clear. No one is at the pool and I let out a sigh of relief. “C’mon,” I say and motion him to follow me.

Halfway to my door, Ryan Fox turns the corner.Damn.

His dark eyes widen and I’m not sure if it's more because of Nick or the dog. I don’t know a lot about Ryan except what I hear the other girls say-- he’s in his early 40s, divorced, a former military pilot and we call him Foxy Flyboy. Every time I see him, he always says hello and gives a polite wave, but there’s no missing the sadness in his eyes.

“Hi, Savannah,” he says and glances over at Nick. It’s like he doesn’t even notice the furry, panting dog. “Everything okay?”

I hear the concern in his voice. Unlike the other tenants, I’ve never brought anyone home with me before and I don’t think Ryan expects to see an older man like Nick heading into my place with me. “Yeah, everything is great. Just finished up a shoot in Vegas. How are you?”

“Fine, thanks.”

The air fills with an awkward pause.

“Oh, Ryan this is Nick,” I say, my throat dry and closing up. “Nick, this is my landlord, Ryan Fox.”

They both nod and mumble a greeting, but it’s extremely uncomfortable. I almost feel like they’re sizing each other up which makes no sense.

“I fixed your sink disposal,” Ryan says.

“Great. Well, see you around,” I say and slip my key into the door.

“If it starts acting up again just let me know.”

“Will do.” I push the door open.

“Uh, Savannah?”

I stifle a sigh and turn back to Ryan. “Yes?”

“Your friend isn’t, ah, staying permanently, right?”

The way he says it, it’s hard to tell whether he’s asking about Nick or the dog. “Sorry, no. Just a few days, if that’s okay?”

“Sure,” Ryan says, still eyeing Nick.

“Thanks, Ryan.” When I see Nick’s eyes start to narrow at Ryan, I grab his hand and tug him inside.

After I close and lock the door, Nick crosses his arms. “What the hell was that guy’s problem?”

“He’s just protective of the girls here. Kinda like a father figure. He’s never seen me bring a man home so it probably caught him off-guard. He’s actually a really nice guy.”

“I’m sure.”

His voice drips with sarcasm. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“The guy needs to mind his own business. And, for someone who’s so keen on being introduced, you kind of stumbled through that.”
