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“Well, shit, now you have to tell me,” Lance says and leans forward. “Guess love makes people do crazy things.”

I glance down at the open folder where there’s a bunch of paperwork that I need to sign in order to get my inheritance.

This is the real reason you married Savannah, I tell myself. It has to be because anything else is unthinkable. Utterly ridiculous.

Because I refuse to believe love has anything to do with it.

Nick Knight does not believe in love,I remind myself.So, snap the fuck out of it.

When I get back to Sunset Terrace, I hear the shower flip off and I take the folder from Lance with copies of everything I just signed and stick it in my duffle bag. The money should be transferred over by 5pm tonight.

It’s a relief. I can pay off some of the bills that have been suffocating me and maybe buy something nice for Savannah. We still need to pick out rings, but, for some reason, I’m reluctant to bring it up. It’s almost like it’s still not real right now. But, the moment we each wear a band around our finger, there’s no denying it.

I head back up the hall and the bathroom door opens. I freeze when Savannah steps out, towel wrapped around her, in a cloud of steam. At the tempting sight, hot steam seems to rise in me, too, scorching my blood.

“Hi,” she says.

I pull her into my arms and kiss her, moving my lips over hers leisurely, completely familiar now with every soft curve and corner of her mouth. She returns the kiss enthusiastically like always then pulls back. She lays a hand on my chest and gives me that loaded smile that’s part angel, part devil.

God, it turns me on. When I slide my hands up under the towel, she giggles and pulls away. “I have some news,” she says. “My parents and sister are coming out to visit.”

I force a smile. “Great.” I’m not looking forward to meeting her parents, especially her father. What if he hates me? I know that sounds a little irrational, but fathers never seem to like me. They always give me this look like they wish I’d just shrivel up and disappear. Or, drop dead.

“They should be here in a couple hours.”

I blink in complete surprise. “They’re coming now? Today?”

She nods and gives me a huge smile. “I can’t wait for you to meet them. They’re staying at a hotel up the street. We’re meeting them tonight for dinner, okay?”

“Sure,” I say.

Oh, great.I was hoping to put this off for maybe a couple more months, but I guess they’d want to meet their daughter’s new husband sooner than later.

“Anything I should know?” I ask, trying not to let myself feel nervous.

“Just that they’re going to love you,” she says, tilts her head up and kisses my jaw.

Love me? Ha.Savannah did not prepare me for the third-degree that was her father. After she introduced us and we all sat down, the interrogation began. They all had a million questions and that’s to be expected, I suppose, but I would’ve guessed Bob Hart was a retired military officer, not a school teacher.

And, he held nothing back.

“I just don’t understand who in their right mind gets married after 24 hours? And, in Vegas? How drunk were you two?”

“Dad,” Savannah says. “We had our reasons and…”

And, what?Everyone waits for her to continue, but what is there to say? Hell, we didn’t really even have an answer why we did it. I mean, I wanted to collect my inheritance, but Savannah didn’t get anything out of our arrangement.

Except me. And, let’s face it, I’m not the greatest catch. I’m moody, grumpy, bossy, difficult-

“Nick is perfect for me,” Savannah says, breaking into my thoughts. “We complement each other.”

We do?Yeah, I guess we do. She definitely has a way of bringing out my better side. Truthfully, I’ve never been so happy.

“So, what’s the deal? You couldn’t find someone your own age, Nick?”

I clear my throat, not quite sure what to say to that.

“Dad!” Savannah says and her younger sister Bri stifles a giggle while her mom chokes on her wine mid-sip.
