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“I know there’s a bit of an age difference-” I begin, but then get interrupted.

“Just a bit,” Bob says in a dry voice and takes a long drink of his beer.

Be polite, Nick,I remind myself. “But, I guess when you know, you know.”

Cindy, Savannah’s mom, smiles. She’s more easygoing than her husband and doesn’t seem upset about our sudden marriage at all. “Honey, cut them some slack. They’re in love.”

My gaze snaps up to Savannah’s and I feel panic move through me. But, just for a split second. Her steady, blue eyes settle me and a calmness fills me. People keep bringing up the “L” word and it’s insane. We aren’t in love.

We’re screwing like bunnies and having a damn good time doing it. But, we barely know each other.

Shit.That’s not exactly true anymore and I can’t keep using that excuse forever. Because I actually know quite a bit about Savannah Marie Hart-Knight. Especially because we talk for hours every night and play that little game she calls “Questions & Secrets.”

I know her favorite color is blue. But, not just any shade of blue. It’s that deep, bright midnight blue that lasts less than a minute right after dusk and just before full night hits. I know when she gets nervous, she starts to pick at her nail polish. Like she’s doing right now. I know she likes when I comfort her so I reach over into her lap and take her hand in mine.

I know that she likes to read before bedtime-- mostly horror novels which makes me laugh because then she drifts off to sleep like she’s been reading a romance instead of about a serial killer. But, she never has nightmares. She prefers scary movies over rom-coms and Liam Hemsworth over his overrated brother. She doesn’t care much about clothes or fashion for being a model and would much rather be in comfy leggings and a t-shirt.

Lately, she’s been wearing my t-shirts a lot. She says they smell like me, apparently citrusy, and she likes that.

And, I know how she tastes. So sweet. Just like a bowl of freshly-washed berries in June. She smells like sugar-dipped jasmine and, right before she comes, I know that her bright blue eyes darken a shade from aqua to teal.

Ah, damn, I’ve learned more about Savannah in a couple of weeks than I ever cared to learn about Margo in a year. Maybe I am falling for my wife. A little, anyway.

Fuck it.A lot, okay? I’m falling for her a lot. And, God help me, I’m falling hard and fast.

I left for two hours this morning to settle the paperwork with Lance and I missed her.

So much for my rules. I’ve ignored every last one.

Who am I?

“A man in love is a force to reckon with,” Cindy says.

“I think it’s romantic,” Bri says. “I’m happy for you, Savvy. And, I’m glad you’re a part of our family, Nick.”

“Thanks, Bri,” I say.

As the waiter sets our dinners in front of us, I look over at her father. I may not have gotten his approval yet, but the Hart women love me. I see her dad say something to the waiter and with a nod, he leaves.

While we eat, Cindy and Bri start asking more questions about where we’re living and what it’s like in Malibu.

“We’re not at the beach house right now,” I say, “but when we get back, you’ll all have to visit.”

Bri squeals. “I can’t believe you’re going to be living right on the ocean. Do you ever see dolphins?” she asks.

I nod. “All the time. But, a couple of times a year, big groups of bottle-nosed dolphins migrate past my place and I’ll go out there and swim with them.”

“Seriously? That’s so cool.” Bri’s eyes widen. They’re more green than Savannah’s blue and she seems to possess a more outgoing personality than her sister. Sav told me she’s involved in every group at school, has a ton of friends and I’m not surprised.

By the time dinner ends, I feel better. Bob let up on the probing questions and snarky comments and we’ve been laughing and sharing stories for almost 40 minutes now. After clearing the dishes away, the waiter brings five glasses and a bottle of champagne to the table. He pops the cork, fills our glasses and Bob lifts his in a toast.

“Despite how quickly this all happened, I want nothing but the best for you both. So, cheers to a long and happy marriage.”

We all clink glasses and, as I sip my champagne, I look over the rim at Savannah whose entire face seems to glow. When she winks at me, I know that I passed the test and have her family’s approval.

I’m not sure why it’s so important to me, but it is, and I couldn't be happier.
