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The next couple of days, I enjoy hanging out with my family, and Nick and I take them all around town and out to eat. It’s cute to see how they’re all warming up to him so fast. It’s almost like the moody man I met that first night at Beauty & Essex was a completely different person.

He’s more affectionate than he’s ever been and I love it when he grabs my hand and twines his fingers through mine. Or, when he drops a kiss on my head for no apparent reason. I’m still not sure where his heart is or if it’s even involved at this point. But, I’d like to believe it is and that maybe he’s developing feelings for me like I have for him.

Even though we can sit there and talk for hours, he hasn’t said anything about love. I haven’t either, and a part of me really wants to let him know how I’m feeling. But, I’m not going to lie. It’s really scary. The last thing I want is to look like a foolish, little girl. Until Nick, I’d never been in love, not even close.

There’s no mistaking this overwhelming feeling, though. I want to be near him constantly and when we’re apart, even for a short time, I miss him. Every time he walks into the room, my heart beats faster. I love everything about him-- the way he looks, smells, tastes. Everything physical from how tall he is to his dark hair to the way his gray eyes melt into hot silver before he kisses me.

But, even more so, I love the way he treats me with so much care and respect. He may be a little bossy in the bedroom and on set, but he always makes sure I’m taken care of whether we’re out somewhere or just sitting at home. I never would’ve thought he could be so thoughtful. He makes me feel safe and loved.

A big part of me is contemplating turning down the job in Capri. Nick mentioned retiring early from modeling and I’ve been thinking about it more and more. I know that I don’t have enough yet to finish school and open a practice, but if I keep modeling, I won’t be able to spend as much time with Nick.

And, right now, there’s nothing that I want more. He’s infiltrated my life, every single one of my thoughts and turned me into a woman who wants to spend the majority of her time with her husband. I don’t think there’s anything too wrong with that. Especially since we’re still learning about each other and figuring out how to make this work.

My parents and sister leave the next afternoon and when we return from dropping them off at the airport, Nick tells me he wants to head over to the gym for a couple of hours.

“Wanna come?”

“Yes,” I say in a low voice and trail my finger up his arm. “But, I’m not referring to the gym.”

Nick lets out a low growl and drags me into his arms. God, every time he kisses me, I melt. I open my mouth, inviting his tongue inside, and meet it with a welcoming suck. With a half-laugh he pulls back and eyes me. “You are not the same girl you were two weeks ago.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“As much as I’d like to scoop you up and have my way with you, I need to go workout. Otherwise, after all the eating we’ve done the last few days, I’m going to get flabby.”

“I doubt that,” I say and run my hand down his deliciously tight abs.

He grabs my hand, pulls it up to his lips and places an open-mouthed kiss in my palm. His eyes never leave mine and, as he finishes the kiss, I take a finger and slip it between his lips. I can see his eyes widen a little in surprise, but he must like it because he sucks my finger into his mouth before releasing it. “You’re a tease,” he says, voice husky.

“Oh, I’m not teasing you, Nick. You can have whatever you want. Whenever you want.”

For a moment, I think he’s going to grab me and drag me into the bedroom, but then he regains his control. “Hold that thought, sweetheart,” he says. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“I thought you said two hours?”

“Onehour. And, when I get back, I expect you to be waiting in bed. Naked.”

“I don’t know if I can’t wait that long,” I say, dragging my towel up a little, hoping to make him regret leaving. “I may have to start pleasuring myself while I wait.”

Silver fire flashes in his eyes. “Goddammit,” he swears and yanks me against his body. He kisses me hard, threads his fingers through my hair and pulls my head back so he can stare into my eyes. “Don’t touch yourself until I get back.”

“Why? You want to watch?” I ask, feeling extremely naughty. I like this newfound power I hold over him. He desires me and it feels so damn good.

He sucks in a breath and presses another hard kiss to my mouth. As he pulls back, he nips my lower lip. “You’re damn right I want to watch.”

A slow, wicked smile curves my mouth. “Tick-tock, Daddy,” I purr.

Again, he looks on the verge of changing his mind, like he might rip off my towel and drag me down to the floor. But, then, he seems to be considering something and sticks with his original plan. “Be back soon,” he says.

I give him a pouty look and shoo him away. “Go work out your perfect body. If you’re lucky, I’ll be here waiting.”

He narrows his eyes. “Naked.”

I roll my eyes. “We’ll see,” I say and squeal when he pinches my ass on the way past.

“Naked,” he says again.
