Page 28 of This Time Around

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Chase finishedthe ramp at the end of the long day.He nodded in satisfaction at his handiwork.

He gathered the materials and cleaned up the job site, using a broom and dustpan leaning against a corner of the garage and some trash bags.Hours ago, he’d sent Katie and Timmy inside.He’d taken a couple of quick bathroom breaks and checked to see what they were doing, pleased to see them playing games with Mary.

“Wow, it’s done.”Mary had popped her head in the garage intermittently throughout his work, and had done it with more frequency in the last hour.

“Yep.You want to try it out first?”Chase asked.

“I’m going to get Momma,” she said, disappearing again.

He could hear her in the house, hollering excitedly for Katie and Timmy to join her.

A few minutes later, their momma stepped out onto the landing, a daughter on each side, holding on to her arms.Her eyes twinkled with delight.“I’m going to walk it alone,” she said, a girlish lilt in her voice as she shrugged her arms free and stepped on the ramp.

All eyes were on Momma as she made her way down slowly, a step at a time, her hand firmly on the side rail.When her feet finally touched the concrete garage floor, she walked up to Chase.

“Well done.Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome.”Chase grinned almost from ear to ear.

“Would you join me for the walk back up the ramp?”

“I’d be delighted and honored.”He raised his arm, crooking his elbow.

She rested her arm on his, and her other hand grasped the handrail as they walked up on the ramp.

A rousing cheer met their eardrums as they reached the top landing.A round of hugs followed.

“Now, let’s go inside and eat.”Momma stepped over the threshold.

“What’s for dinner?”Timmy piped up.

“Your favorite—chicken ’n’ dumplings,” Momma said, ruffling his hair.

The flavorful potof chicken broth with sautéed celery and onions, cut-up chicken, and plump dollops of round drop dumplings seasoned with herbs and spices had been simmering for hours on the stove.Their momma knew Katie didn’t eat meat, so she made a separate pot using vegetable broth instead, adding the same sautéed vegetables and dumplings, but without the chicken.She also prepared a large bowl of fresh green salad with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, red onions, and hard-boiled eggs.

The delicious smell emanating from the kitchen brought on a sudden pang of hunger as Chase quickly washed up, working up a rich lather of soap on his hands.Katie was setting the table, and Timmy was helping her.

When they were all seated, Mary dished out generous servings of the chicken ’n’ dumplings in large bowls and passed them to everyone except Katie, who had gotten up to serve herself, filling her bowl from another pot on the stove.

“What are you eating?”asked Timmy, who was sitting next to Katie, noticing she wasn’t getting the same food in her bowl.

“Dumplings without the chicken.I don’t eat meat,” Katie said, swirling her spoon in the broth to show him it didn’t have any chicken.

“Ooh,” Timmy said.He wrinkled his nose.“You don’t like chicken?”

“I used to eat chicken, grew up with it.But after I moved to the city, I changed my diet and quit eating beef, pork, and chicken.”

He frowned.“Really?”

“People have choices—we can dress, talk, and eat differently.But I wouldn’t force my preferences on you or anyone else.And I wouldn’t like it if someone forced me.”

“To each his own,” Mary said, passing the salad bowl.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m famished,” Chase said, raising a spoonful of the chicken ’n’ dumplings to his mouth.A smile crossed his lips as he savored the mouthful.He turned to Momma.“Thank you, ma’am.This is mighty fine homemade chicken ’n’ dumplings.Best I’ve ever had.”

“There’s plenty more where that comes from,” she said, beaming.
