Page 42 of This Time Around

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They went backto the hospital, leaving Timmy at home with the sitter.Katie called her sister while Chase drove.

“Hi, Mary, we’re on our way.Where are you and Jim?”

“We just got here.Hold on a moment,” she said, as an announcement over the speaker interrupted their conversation.“We’re walking in.”

“Can you find out if Momma is out of surgery?”

“Yeah, hang on while I check at the desk.”

She heard muffled speech as Mary talked with the hospital staff, holding on to her phone.Chase turned into the hospital parking lot and maneuvered into a space.

“She’s checking on Momma’s status,” Katie said, turning to snap free her seat belt as soon as he parked.

He locked the car and walked around to her side.

“Let’s go,” he said, his left hand reaching out to grasp her right one.

Her cheeks flushed.She was suddenly aware of his closeness and of the tingle at his touch when their fingertips brushed lightly.She slid her slender fingers between his until they interlocked.Her eyes met his and held them.

She dismissed the crackle on the phone and then realized it was Mary on the line.

“I’m sorry.Can you repeat that?”

“She’s in the recovery room.When you walk into the lobby, go to the elevator.We’ll wait for you guys there.”

She ended the call and smiled at Chase.“They’re meeting us by the elevator.She’s out of surgery.”


They quickened their steps and followed the sign, meeting up with Mary and Jim.Someone had pressed the elevator button, and a ding announced its arrival.It was a tight squeeze to fit in all the passengers after a patient in a wheelchair was wheeled in.

When the elevator stopped at their floor, they got off.The nurses’ station was down the brightly lit hallway.One nurse was on the phone, another nurse entering a patient’s room, two others looking at notes on clipboards and conferring.

Chase caught the attention of a nurse sitting before a computer monitor.

“Can we see Mrs.Simmons?”

The nurse located her patient chart, flipping the pages.“She’s not awake yet.Once the anesthesia wears off, she’ll be able to talk to you.”

“How is she?”Mary asked.

The nurse glanced at the clipboard.“Dr.Fallon would be able to give you that information.I think he’s still around here checking in with patients.”

“The family is here now, and we’d like to talk to him,” Chase said.“Can you tell him please?”

“I’ll let him know.”

“Thank you.”

“Will she stay here?”Katie asked.

“No.She’ll be moved to a private room.”The nurse broke off, catching sight of Dr.Fallon and calling his name as he approached the nurses’ station.He turned and saw Katie and Chase, his brows lifting in recognition.

“Doctor, I’d like to introduce you to my sister, Mary,” Katie said, walking toward him and gesturing, “and this is her friend, Jim.”

“Pleased to meet you.”
