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“Secret? That’s why you’re here? You have a secret to tell me?”

“Yes,” Rosalin responded. She reached forward and grabbed hold of Eleanor’s hand. Her fingertips were warm. “Eleanor, I have always thought of you as my sister. We have been acquaintances for many years, and I have always been grateful for your friendship.”

“And I am grateful for your friendship, too,” Eleanor added, feeling slightly bewildered.

Maybe I really am sick? Maybe this is Rosalin’s way of preparing me to hear some dreadful news…

“I am so relieved to hear you say as much because what I’m about to say next will come as a great surprise and I want you to remember how dear you are to me… and how dear I am to you… before you react to my news.”

“What? What is it, Rosalin?” Eleanor asked, her nerves tingling as she prepared herself for the worst.

“Frederick and I are in love. We are going to be married,” Rosalin leaned forward and whispered. She squeezed Eleanor’s hand and then giggled happily.

“Nonsense,” Eleanor replied at once. “You cannot marry Frederick. You are already married to Lord Clay… unless he… Oh, Rosalin…did your husband die?”

Rosalin dropped Eleanor’s hand and a look of scorn spread across her delicate features. “Not yet,” she said crisply.

Eleanor gasped, “But Rosalin, how can you speak so coldly of your husband?”

“Quite easily,” Rosalin returned haughtily.

“But…” Eleanor faltered, “I thought you…”

Rosalin scoffed and then rolled her eyes. “You cannot pretend you thought I loved him. I never said anything of the sort, nor have I ever given any inclination that I might.”

“No,” Eleanor said carefully, “but you have been married to him for many years.”

“Yes,” Rosalin responded hotly, “I have wasted a great number of years being Lord Clay’s wife. But no more—in just a matter of days, I am going to be the Countess of Barrow.”

Eleanor frowned; she couldn’t help it. “I don’t know what to say, Rosalin.”

Rosalin’s features altered again at once. She smiled beatifically and reached forward to grab hold of Eleanor’s hand once again. “Say you are happy for me! Say you are happy for us. Frederick and I have fallen in love.”

Eleanor looked at Rosalin skeptically. She knew Rosalin quite well, but she knew her brother even better. Frederick was not exactly the type to fall in love. He might find Rosalin attractive, as most people did, but he wasn’t likely to fall so madly in love with her he could be persuaded to whisk her away from her husband. “How did this happen? When did it happen?” Eleanor asked.

Rosalin’s eyes lit up. “It was all very gradual. Your brother, as you well know, is a very flirtatious man. We’ve spent many hours talking and dancing, but it wasn’t until you wed the Duke that Frederick and I began spending more time with one another.”

Eleanor shook her head. “I fear I do not understand, Rosalin. Please, explain it to me. I can comprehend that you have developed feelings for Frederick, and you say he has also determined that he is in love with you. But what about your husband? What about Lord Clay? What does he say to all this?”

Rosalin huffed and dropped Eleanor’s hand. She sat back in her seat once more. “There’s nothing he can say.”

“I’m not sure that's accurate. I don’t know your husband very well, but I don’t think he’s going to let you go to another man.”

Rosalin’s smile disappeared and her jaw clenched. “I’m not particularly worried about what Lord Clay thinks… not anymore.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Eleanor continued. “Even if you and Frederick disappear, won’t Lord Clay follow after you? Won’t he seek you out?”

“That’s why we need your help,” Rosalin said, desperation creeping into her voice. She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the bed next to Eleanor’s side.

“My help?” Eleanor squeaked. “How can I possibly be of assistance? I don’t know Lord Clay and even if I did, he certainly wouldn’t listen to anything I had to stay.”

“Would you stop thinking about Lord Clay?” Rosalin snapped. Then, as if she realized she had lost her temper, she took a very slow breath and edged away from Eleanor. She sat upright in her chair and folded her hands neatly in her lap. “We’re not talking about my former husband anymore. We’re discussing my future.”

“I’m sorry,” Eleanor whispered. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes. She had never seen Rosalin this angry before. It frightened her a little, but it also disheartened her. She had thought they were so close. She thought she’d known every one of Rosalin’s moods. But this was a surprise. Rosalin was truly outraged. “Tell me what I can do to help you.”

“Frederick and I will need your help in a number of ways. His Grace has already agreed to shelter us for a few days…”

Eleanor interrupted, “Henry knows about all this?”
