Page 28 of Sweet Tooth

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“Now I understand what you meant when you mentioned how hard it was. I saw some of the work you did the other night, but this? I don’t know how you keep up with it.”

“A lot of panic, holding my breath, and doing five things at once.”

“You’re supernatural. You’ve gotta be.”

“Nora certainly is.”

“She’s a good wolf.”

“And a great friend.” With that, Kate removed a bag from inside the refrigerator, passed me half of her sandwich, then stood at the counter to eat. There were stools she could've used, but for whatever reason, she stayed on her feet instead.

“Your feet must be killing you,” I said as I pulled out a stool. “Here. Relax for a while.”

Kate shook her head, took a bite of her half of a sandwich, then moved around the room, collecting items as she went. “Can’t. I need to get a lot done if I want to beat the rush this afternoon.”

“Then let me help.” I pushed off the stool, but Kate stopped me.

“You have helped.” The exhaustion in her voice wasn’t lost on me. Neither were the dark circles under her eyes or the way her shoulders dropped whenever she thought I wasn’t looking. “Let me finish preparing the dough so it can rest, then I’ll do the same.”

I wanted to help. I wanted to sit her down so she could relax. But she was also right. I’d come into Nora’s shop all hours of the day, and it was almost always busy. And on a Thursday afternoon, there was no telling what to expect once Kate unlocked the front door.

“I’m going to buy you dinner,” I said as Kate threw a bit of flour and eggs into a mixing bowl.

“Tonight?” She didn’t look back at me, her eyes fixed on the mixture in front of her.

“Tomorrow. My folks won’t be back until Sunday, so I thought we could crash on the couch, watch some old movies, and chill.”

“How old are we talking?” She glanced at me and cocked an eyebrow.

“My folks?”

“No. The movies.”

“Oh. Early 80s and 90s. You know. The classics.”

“Which are?” She gave the dough a few good whacks, then set it aside.

“Interview with a Vampire, Princess Bride, Neverending–”

“Have you ever seen Legend?”

“Legend… is that the one with the unicorns in it?”

“And Tim Curry.”

Oh god.“That movie scared the crap out of me when I was little.”

“But Interview with a Vampire didn’t?”

“I didn’t see that one until my teens. My dad had a fit too. My friend brought it over, which was cool and all, but then my dad walked in right as the woman was levitating on stage, completely naked.”

“Oh no.”

“Yeah. Needless to say, we never got to finish the movie.”


“Oh, I’ve seen it since then, but I cringe whenever it gets to that scene because of how young and stupid we were.”
