Page 169 of Small Town Love

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It’s been a week of me trying to show Emmy Lou that I’m sorry and that I’m not going anywhere. I broke down and asked Jonah, Zac, Drew, and Colt for advice one night over drinks. I had to apologize to them too for leaving so suddenly. They made me buy them drinks all night but that seemed to smooth things over. I’m lucky to have friends who are willing to forgive my stupid mistakes.

We spent the whole night brainstorming ideas of how to win her back. I have a handful of napkins with Zac’s messy, barely legible handwriting on them. It was hard to make out all of what they said, but I got the gist.

Show her what she means to you.

Show her that you love her and are here to stay.

Grovel until she gives me a second chance.

I’ve been trying to follow that plan and to show her that I’m all in so I’ve been bringing her food every night and trying to talk to her. I’ve read every book that she ever mentioned to me and while I don’t love all of them as much as she does, it was nice to discuss them with her.

I’ve been trying to help her out too. I mowed her lawn one day, washed her car, and helped her stock some stuff around the bookstore.

I think that I’ve been slowly chipping away at her armor, but sometimes it’s hard to tell with Emmy Lou.

I grabbed us some burgers from Lulu’s Diner and I’m headed to the Book Addicts Bookstore for our nightly dinner. She hasn’t invited me back to her house again and I know better than to push my luck with her.

It’s starting to rain and I grab our food and hurry up to the front door. I spot Emmy Lou through the front window and like every other time, my breath stalls in my lungs.

She’s still the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“Hey,” I call as I come in.

The front door slams shut with the wind and rain behind me.

“It’s really coming down out there, huh?” She asks as thunder cracks through the night.

“Yeah, it’s pouring.”

The weather reminds me of the first night that we met and I wonder if she remembers it too.

“I brought burgers,” I say and I see her lick her lips.

My cock stirs in my pants but I push those thoughts away as I walk up to the counter.

“And I found a place to open Elite Security Consultants.”

“Yeah? Where?”

“Right next door,” I say with a big smile and I notice that Emmy Lou looks happy about my news too.

“When are you moving in?”

“Next week. I’m hoping to get everything set up so that I can open by the end of next month.”

I slide her a burger, fries, and a milkshake and fill her in on my plans. She’s a lot better at business than I am so I pick her brain on where to advertise that I’m hiring and the best place to order business cards and the like.

We clean up our trash and it’s still storming outside. The sun has set and it’s dark, just the streetlamps and passing cars allowing us to see outside.

“I got you something,” I start, my palms growing damp as my heart rate picks up.

I’ve never been so nervous in my life. She looks up at me expectantly and I dig in my pocket, the small box brushing against my fingers.

I pull it out and hold it out to her, opening the lid.

“Is that an engagement ring?” She asks, her eyes wide.

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