Page 16 of Jerk Neighbor

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Bastian Spencer’s crimes had yet to reach Ryan’s level.

Yet. He could still get there. He’d have a hard time convincing her he wasn’t in this to use her. And she had no interest in being used by a heartless hottie again.

Ultimately, though, it didn’t matter. Other than mythological beauty of face and form, Bastian Spencer had nothing she wanted.

“It’s a real date,” Bastian asserted, raising one brow. “I merely thought a little incentive might be necessary, since we got off to a bad start.”

“Sorry, I don’t believe you, and the answer is still no, but thank you.” With forced casualness, she strolled off, seeking a random object to be fascinated with. The media stand would do nicely. She snatched up a printout and stared at it with deep absorption.

“Do you have a prior commitment?”


“Then how can I change your mind?”

“You can’t. Huh, have you seen any Kurosawa? There's a rumor thatYojimbowas ripped off by Lucas. Oh, wow,Brazil, now that one I didn’t really get into.”

“Are you inviting me to watch a movie with you?”

“No! I’m just reading this list here.”

“What list?”

She tensed, sensing him walking toward her, and started running off at the mouth. “Movies my brother recommended. He’s a film buff, and he knows I, uh...” He was directly behind her. With a sigh, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to face him.

That was a mistake.

She was already discombobulated. Now, standing right before her like this, he stormed her senses. His smell, his heat, everything about his presence, including the wondering and fierce way he was looking at her.

Damn. And she’d thought her dating life perfectly adequate. Apparently she was fooling herself. Apparently she was in a state of severe deprivation. She had to be, to be so easily enthralled by one stuffy, stick-up-his-ass neighbor.

“I’m really trying not to kiss you right now,” he muttered.

Oh, no. He was so far from her type it wasn’t funny. Yet she heard her own lips challenge: “Sure you are, whatever you say.”

His eyes gleamed.

He was going to take her up on the challenge.Goody.

No, not goody, she scolded herself.Bad girl. Don’t play if you don’t want to be played.

Had she flirted with him in the past? Maybe she’d sent out a few feelers. But that was all. She was used to men coming on to her, not the other way around.

This? A bit more blatant. Because he was being very blatant.

Keeping his gaze locked with hers, he raised his arms with exaggerated slowness. Still she did not object. She would call his bluff. Despite what his movements implied, despite his words, she doubted he’d really go so far as to actually touch her.

And that turned out to be mistake number two.

Her face was lightly cupped in warm hands. Thumbs propped up her chin. Still she accepted it. She wanted to see how far he’d take it, that was all. It had nothing to do with the fact that slow, deliberate takeovers like this made her knees buckle.

“You’re so silky,” he said quietly.

Now that was corny. It had to be a line. She rolled her eyes.

Amusement shone in his. Then his upper lip pulled back in a hungry expression. Caution said it was manufactured for effect, but she had the bad feeling he was only reflecting back her own expression. And yikes, how had they gotten so close?

Oh. She’d uncrossed her arms. And stepped toward him. Damnit!
