Page 112 of A Pirate of Her Own

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He hadn’t been able to protect his sister because he’d been at sea, and he couldn’t guarantee Serenity that he would never lose a fight.

Grinding his teeth, he saw an image drifting before his eyes of his ship theRosannasinking last year. Just like she’d said, they’d won the fight, but in the end the damage to his ship had sunk her. He hadn’t lost many men to the sinking, but he had lost some.

She dropped her hand from his face, her eyes wistful. “We both know you can never settle on land. The sea is in your blood. It’s who and what you are. I would never ask for you to give more than we both know you can.”

She stepped away from him. “I have to go.”

And with those softly spoken words, she finished gathering her clothes, dressed, and left his cabin.

Nay!his soul screamed.

He couldn’t let her go.

Grabbing up his pants, he began jerking them on.

“Where be you headed,majana?”

Morgan paused as he listened to Ushakii talking to Serenity just a few feet from his door. Ushakii’s watch had probably just ended and he was no doubt headed for his bed.

“I’m leaving, Ushakii. ’Tis time I went home.”

“You can’t be thinking of heading out alone, child. It’s the middle of the night. You might get hurt. Why, you can’t even row yourself ashore. Let me escort you back before something terrible happens to you.”

Morgan could imagine how she must look, the tender smile that was no doubt curving her lips as she gazed up at Ushakii with doleful eyes.

“Thank you. I would deeply appreciate it.”

Then their voices drifted off.

She was gone.

He let his pants fall to the floor as the significance hit him squarely in the chest.

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