Page 13 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“Oh, my word,” Heather Smith gasped from where she stood about four inches from Serenity’s right. Heather, whose virtue was more than questionable, had been talking to Felicity Jacobs, the parson’s daughter, for most of the evening. And it was to Felicity her comments were now directed. “Tell me, Felicity, have you ever seen the like?”

“Nay,” Felicity answered back. “But I tell you this, that man is certainly a devil out to ruin some poor woman this night.”

“Well, if he be the devil, you can chain me tohisthrone anytime.”

“Heather Smith,” Felicity snapped. “You’ll lose your soul for such words!”

Then their conversation vanished into the crowd, lost in the sudden buzz of female voices and the clearing of masculine throats.

The sound became deafening.

Serenity couldn’t take her eyes off the source of everyone’s speculation.

Paying no attention to the people around him, her pirate strode across the room with a masculine swagger. He was dark and deadly and mesmerizing.

“Heisthe Sea Wolf,” Honor whispered in her ear. “He’s just as you described in your story. Where on earth did Douglas find someone so perfect?”

“Out of my dreams,” Serenity breathed.

Morgan Drake scanned the women, but none of them bore any resemblance to Serenity James. Belatedly he realized that he had become the topic on everyone’s tongue.

The last thing he needed was for this many people to take notice of him.

His crew was ready to sail and he was anxious to leave the busy harbor before someone recognized his ship. But until he could be certain that Miss Serenity James would exercise discretion regarding his identity, he couldn’t risk another mission.

It had taken him hours to find out where she lived.

If only he could find her…

His gaze darted over two young women standing just outside the center pair of French doors. He well remembered the petite blonde with her luscious curves from the paper’s office.

There was also something about her companion that seemed oddly familiar.

It struck him like a pugilist’s fist.

Nay, it couldn’t be.

Stepping closer, he finally recognized Serenity James.

How she had changed! Gone was her hideous black rag, and in its place she wore a stylish gown of pink. Though she lacked the voluptuous curves of her sister, there was a glow to her face that made her stand out.

Her chestnut-colored hair had been swept up into the type of style that made a man yearn to free it, and he had no doubt that the soft ringlets would be like satin in his palm.

And her eyes…

Without her spectacles to overshadow them, they were mesmerizing. Fire and intelligence sparkled deep within their depths. And something about them sent heat straight to his groin.

Morgan tensed. Whatever was the matter with him?

She was not his type. Indeed, her stunningly beautiful sister should have tempted him more.

But there was something about Serenity that made a mockery of her name.

Morgan closed the distance between them. She greeted him with a suspicious smile, arching an inquisitive brow that made her look like some impish elf out to make mischief. “Why, sir, I don’t seem to recall your name on our guest list. Perhaps if you give it to me…”

“And what name would you call me?”

“Sea Wolf.”
