Page 14 of A Pirate of Her Own

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His gut tightened in response. Aye, she knew him. And now she’d involved her sister. So be it. “Wemusttalk.”

“Go on, Serenity,” her sister whispered.

Her gaze uncertain, Serenity glanced back at Honor. “I have no chaperone,” she said under her breath.

“You do now!”

Morgan watched the two women as Serenity frowned at Honor, but judging by the determined slant of her sister’s eyes, he doubted if the whole of Washington’s army could deflect Honor from getting them alone.

Why? It was strange to him that he had such an unlikely ally.

What did Honor hope to gain?

“I believe the library is empty,” Honor said, taking Serenity’s arm. “If you’ll follow us, Mister…?”

He said nothing.

Serenity exchanged quizzical looks with Honor, and he wondered what game they played.

Could it be trap?

It could. And well he knew it.

His senses sharp and alert, he detected no imminent threat. He followed them through the crowd of people that no longer seemed quite so curious about him, other than to speculate what it was he wanted with Serenity.

Now that he knew for certain Serenity James had learned his identity, he needed a plan of action.

But how in the world could he keep silent a woman who loved to babble as much as this one?

Hang her out to bake in the bleedin’ sun, Cap’n. Let the gulls feast on her gizzard.

Well, that would certainly be Barney’s answer. As well as his own.

Honor ushered them into the library across from the ballroom, then closed the elegantly carved mahogany door behind them. As Serenity walked past him, Morgan realized she had bathed and found a decent rose-scented perfume.

Her pink dress rustling slightly with her steps, Serenity moved to stand in the center of the room. A slight shake to her hands, as well as the fact that she wasn’t chattering, alerted him that she was already nervous about this meeting.

Good, she feared him. Now, if he could play up that fear, perhaps it would be enough to quell her pen.

Her sister crossed the room to stand beside her. Both women waited while he purposefully remained silent. Let them anticipate his words, then they would pay him more attention when he did speak.

“Miss James,” he began after a long pause.

“Yes,” they both answered in unison.

Honor blushed a becoming shade of pink. “I’m so sorry,” she said, taking her sister’s hands. “You meant Serenity, of course. Go ahead, forget that I am here.”

Clearing his throat, Morgan wished again that they were alone. It was enough that one Miss James threatened his secret identity. Two of them being able to identify him was two too many.

“Back to our earlier discussion, I want to know the name of the man who gave you the Sea Wolf’s identity, and everyone’s name you have given that information to since.”

“His identity?” they answered together. They turned their heads to look at one another.

A sudden doubt prickled the back of Morgan’s neck. Either both women were consummate liars or the confusion that creased both their brows was sincere.

“Why, sir, I have no idea of his identity,” Serenity said, releasing her sister’s hand and taking a step toward him. “I wrote the story as a piece to rally support for his efforts. If I knew his name, then I would have gladly sought him out and I would have written his views about his activities. I would be honored to report such grand news.”

“She’d be the envy of all!” her sister piped in.

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