Page 77 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“Mr. Rodale,” she said with a warning note in her voice.

Something happened to Morgan as he watched her comfort Court while scolding one of the worst-tempered men he had ever known. Something scary and unfamiliar.

A tenderness came over him for her.

A strong desire to make her laugh just as they’d done. A desire to hold her close and watch her…

Watch her what?

Comfort his own children?

It was there, just a spark of an idea. Aquick flash of remembered longing so deeply buried within him that he’d forgotten its existence. But yes, long ago, before he’d made the mistake of marrying Teresa, he’d wanted children and a family. A wife who would stand by his side. Someone who would love him for himself and who would never let him go.

But his image of that bride hadn’t been a strong-minded, irritating woman who locked him out of his own room. A woman who challenged every idea he held.

He wanted to run away from these strange feelings, to find a safe haven and never again think about them. But he couldn’t. Cowardice was one crime he’d never committed, and it went against every part of him to turn tail and run.

Especially from her.

“Miss James?” he said, moving forward into the light.

She looked up and the color drained from her face. “Captain,” she said coldly.

Cookie appeared somewhat embarrassed by being caught with her. Court quickly ran from the room, his broom trailing along behind him.

Morgan watched the boy’s scampering and then turned to face Serenity. “I wish a word with you, Miss James.”

“Well, I’m afraid that’s not possible,” she said, lifting the lid on the pot and stirring the contents. “I’m in the middle of helping Mr. Rodale with—”

“Cookie won’t mind sparing you for just a few minutes.”

She slammed the lid back on the pot.

Then the most unbelievable thing happened, Cookie moved between them and directed a warning gaze to Morgan. “Seems the lady doesn’t wish to be alone with you, Captain.”

Flabbergasted, Morgan stared at the man. No one had ever in his adult life defied him, especially not a member of his own crew.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” Morgan asked, his voice lethal.

“Aye, Captain. I’m protecting the girl. It ain’t proper for her to be alone with you and you well know it.”

Serenity felt the anger bleeding from Morgan. Unwilling to let her new friend be harmed, she quickly moved forward. “It’s all right, Mr. Rodale. I—I can speak with him.”

Cookie’s eyes narrowed on Morgan with dire warning burning bright. “I can trust you to mind your manners?”

Morgan stiffened and his nostrils flared.

Instead of being frightened by his captain, who had life-and-death control over him, Mr. Rodale looked at her. “If he offends you, lass, you let me know and I’ll be serving him up a purging concoction for his supper.”

She smiled at Mr. Rodale’s threat.

Until she faced Morgan, and then her smile died upon her lips. “After you, Captain.”

Her reluctance burned through Morgan as he led her back to his cabin and the privacy it offered.

Be gentle with her,he reminded himself.Take your time. Remember she is still embarrassed and shy. Give her time to get used to you all over.

But what he really wanted to do was strangle her for turning his crewman against him.
