Page 78 of A Pirate of Her Own

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How did she do it? How in the world did she get near the surly cook when no one else had been able to get so much as a how-do-you-do from the man?

Confrontation will get you nowhere. You know that.

Easy, Morgan.

Moving to stand in the center of his cabin, she turned to face him.

He started to shut the door, then thought better of it.


“How long have you been sneaking to the galley to be with Cookie?” he asked before he could stop himself.

She arched her brows incredulously. “Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?”

He disregarded her jibe. “I thought I made it clear that you weren’t to go alone to the galley.”

“You also made it clear that I could trust you with my person, and you breached that trust. How can I trust anything you say?”

He flinched at the anger in her voice and the truth of her words. “Youcantrust me.”

“Ha! You’ve lied to me from the start. Let me believe you were some noble gentleman with my best interest at heart and instead you make free with your hands the first moment we’re alone.”

He had expected her to be embarrassed, not outraged. Instead of the fearful, delicate flower he had expected to comfort, she was a hellcat spitting and hissing at him. Blaming the whole event on him.

Well, it wasn’t his fault solely! Who did she think she was, looking so delectable, wearing men’s clothes and stealing his breath.

She never should have agreed to go to the deck with him in the first place. She should have known better.

Aye, a woman knew not to let a man get her alone! It was her fault as much as it was his.

His own temper flying, he moved to stand before her. “Well, you didn’t seem to mind my touch.”

Her eyes narrowed and she advanced on him without warning.

Too stunned to think, he took a couple of steps backwards.

“You are low,” she accused, poking her finger in his chest.

He backed up a few more steps.

“Vile!” she continued. “Only a blackguard would say such. Who do you think you are, sir? No, wait, allow me to answer. You’re a black-hearted pirate who takes what he wants.”

He wanted to answer her insults, but his mind was too stunned to think of an appropriate response. No one had ever confronted him thus.

As she stood before him, her legs braced wide apart and one hand on her hip, she looked like a savage lioness about to tear its prey into pieces.

He backed up until the wall prevented him from any further withdrawals.

“Well, sir,” she said, again poking her finger into his chest to emphasize her words. “I suggest you find another way to occupy yourself, for this miss isn’t to be had by the likes of you.”

His eyes narrowing at being trapped, Morgan slid from between her and the wall.

Again she advanced on him, backing him up as she railed. “We have two more days until we reach Santa Maria and Mr. Rodale has assured me that there are several trading ships that dock there whose captains are willing to take passengers. I intend to be one of those passengers. So do us both a favor and stay away from me until then.”

It was only then that he realized she had backed him out of his cabin.

Before he could blink, she stepped back into the room and slammed the door in his face.

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