Page 40 of Mine to Keep

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“Listen to me, Ava. I lost faith that I’d ever care for someone again, and then you walked through my door. I had initially just wanted to offer you my protection, but you know it’s much more than that now, don’t you?” he said softly. His tenderness radiated through me, and my heart warmed. The anxiety racing through me quieted a little and I focused on the rumbling sound of his voice.

“Yes,” I muttered. My fingers were shaking a little.

“I love you, Ava,” he vowed fiercely, and my breath caught in the back of my throat.

“You really mean that?” I gasped and he nodded.

“I do,” he murmured, and he brought my knuckles up to his mouth. He kissed them one at a time and a soft sigh escaped my lips.

“Now come. It’s time for your punishment to begin,” he said firmly. He pulled my hands toward his chest, guiding me forward in a way that made it clear that this was happening and the time for discussion had ended. It wasn’t forceful, but I knew I was either going to go over his knee willingly or he was going to put me there himself.

His arm wrapped around my waist and his hand settled on my bare bottom.

“Tell me in your own words why you’re about to be punished,” he said softly.

I blushed hard, terrified that someone would see me like this and wanting to believe him that no one would. I opened and closed my mouth several times, yet no words came out.

“Ava,” he warned, and I cried out with fear.

“I ran off when you told me to stay put,” I finally managed. The pitch of my voice revealed just how much more nervous this position was making me.

“If that was all you had done, you would only be getting a hand spanking, rather than the belting and punishment fucking you have coming,” he said firmly.

“Punishment fucking?” I squeaked. What did that even mean? His lovemaking had been painful. That single threat would have fallen flat if it was anyone else, but I knew that with him it wouldn’t. It would hurt and it would make me very sorry by the time it was over.

My core squeezed tight just thinking about it.

“You will find out what that means in a little while, Ava. Tell me why you’re getting such a harsh punishment,” he instructed, and I pressed my thighs together anxiously.

“I stole James’ car and put myself in danger,” I whimpered.

“What else, little girl?” he pressed.

“I didn’t trust you to take care of me,” I answered. I closed my eyes, feeling a curtain of shame come down all around me. It all felt so final.

“You didn’t trust me,” he repeated and that only made it feel worse. I could hear the hurt in his voice and that was the worst part of it all. I didn’t ever want to hear that again. I wanted to do anything to make it go away.

“I’m so sorry,” I wailed hoarsely, and his palm slid over my bare cheeks.

“I’ve already forgiven you, sweet girl,” he offered tenderly. There was only one thing that needed to happen now, one thing that would make us both feel better.

I knew it just as much as he did.

“Please punish me,” I pleaded. I wanted the guilt to go away, and I knew that my trip over his knee was my way to redemption. I knew it would hurt. I knew I’d probably cry, but I would pay the price and then we would both move past this.

His palm circled one cheek and then the other. A nervous tremor passed over my flesh and I tentatively placed one hand on the floor and the other around his ankle. I gripped onto him because I wanted that connection between me and him. Something about it made me feel a little better, so I grasped his leg a little bit more firmly and I closed my eyes.

“I’m scared,” I admitted, no longer able to control the way my voice was shaking.

“You’re safe, little girl. You’re always safe with me, even when you’ve been my bad girl,” he scolded firmly.

“Yes, sir,” I whimpered.

That first spank was especially loud and even if no one was watching, I knew they’d be able to hear what was happening. The sound of flesh smacking flesh was unmistakable as it bounced off the concrete walls. They’d know that Cyrus was spanking me, and I wailed out loud in humiliation.

“No one is watching, little girl. The only person that will ever see this bottom bare, bright red, and thoroughly punished is me. I don’t want you thinking about them. I want your mind focused on the reason you’re over my knee in the first place,” he directed sternly.

“Yes, sir,” I exclaimed, and a particularly hard spank smacked the bottom curve of my left cheek. To be honest, it wasn’t hard to follow his instructions because his hand suddenly seemed to morph into a massive bear paw with the sole mission of paddling my bare bottom until I was very sorry.
