Page 41 of Mine to Keep

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Soon, the noisy sounds didn’t even matter because the pain that came with it was that much worse.

Each smack stung fiercely. I bit my lip, telling myself that I would be stoic, that I wouldn’t let anyone hear how thoroughly he could punish me, but I soon realized that was a foolish hope.

He’d been holding back before. He’d been gentle with me, and I realized that now. This was so much different.

It was so much heavier, both emotionally and physically.

His hand thrashed every inch of my backside, from the tops of my cheeks to the middle of my thighs. I knew I’d earned every single spank. I’d put myself in danger, but that wasn’t all. I’d hurt him too.

I wailed, fully realizing the hopeless of the situation and hating that I’d done it to myself.

I cried out and I slapped one hand over my mouth. I wiggled my hips, desperately trying to avoid even a single cruel spank. It was useless. His aim was impeccable. With all my efforts, he didn’t even slow down.

My jeans and panties were tangled around my ankles now; it forced my entire focus on the naked state of my ass as he punished me. All I could think about was where the next spank would land, how much it would hurt and how I needed his hands on my flesh this way.

How I’d been a bad girl.

Several hard smacks peppered my vulnerable backside and I protested more openly now.

“It hurts,” I wailed. I honestly didn’t know why I even said it. I knew it would change nothing. I still had so much more punishment to go.

“It’s supposed to, bad girl,” he replied curtly.

His hand was relentless, and he’d warned that I was getting his belt too. My backside already burned red hot, and I knew it was simply going to get hotter. My hips rocked as a low wail escaped me.

He started spanking me even more firmly now, making the sting radiate that much deeper. I tried to show him that I understood, even going as far as lifting my bottom for a few of the smacks. I couldn’t keep that up though. The sting built and built and built until it felt like my ass had caught fire and still it didn’t stop.

There was a point where he started really punishing my thighs, which made me cry out several times. Those stung far more. After that, he started spanking everywhere. There was no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes he smacked my ass, other times my thighs. Occasionally he would even slap the more sensitive area between my legs whenever I made the careless mistake of opening them wide enough for him to catch me there.

After several more terrible long minutes, I was really struggling to cope with how much it hurt. I’d long accepted that I was getting punished by now, and it was simply a matter of surviving it at this point.

That didn’t make it any easier.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my best to stay strong, but a few particularly cruel smacks punished the place where my ass met my thighs and my breath hitched in the back of my throat.

Oh. Fuck.

He stopped and circled an arm around my waist. With seemingly no effort at all, he lifted me up and placed me back on my feet. I sniffled and hesitantly reached back to cup my backside. It was hot to the touch, and I sucked in a breath at the stinging sensation that just the soft brush of my fingertips elicited.

“Hands on your head.”

I whimpered quietly as I followed his demands. He knelt and pulled off my shoes and socks. He wasted no time in untangling my pants and panties from my legs. I watched as he tossed them on the chair I’d just been spanked over. He gripped the bottom of my long-sleeve shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me in nothing more than a bra. With expert fingers, he reached behind my back and unclipped that too. He slipped it off me and I nervously pressed my fingers to the back of my head once again.

Now that I was fully naked, he gazed back at me with interest. He grasped my shoulders, turned me around, and pulled me up against him. I whined as my bottom brushed against his slacks, the coarse fabric rough on my scalded flesh. His hand flattened against my stomach, pressing me even closer to him even though it hurt.

His cock was impossibly hard.

“I’m going to enjoy belting this beautiful little ass, but I’m especially looking forward to fucking it after that,” he warned.

I started against him. He couldn’t mean that. I’d never done anything like that. I wasn’t that kind of girl. I wouldn’t do something so incredibly shameful.

“Please, you can’t mean that,” I breathed, and his warm breath tickled my ear.

“I do. I mean every single word. After your bottom is thoroughly welted, my cock is going to sink deep into that tight virgin asshole. You’re going to be very, very sore by the time I’m finally through with you,” he said firmly.

“I can’t,” I exclaimed.

“It’s not up to you, little girl,” he said. I closed my eyes, unable to handle the way my body was heating up at his sordid threats.
