Page 60 of Mine to Keep

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“The first is that we could fight and all of you will die. This isn’t my first gun brawl, and it will most certainly not be the last. Your other option is to come work with me,” I continued.

Brandon gritted his teeth, not moving a muscle as Frank drove the gun into his head. His gaze jerked back and forth as he tried to evaluate his prospects. One lanky guy to the right went to grab a gun from his belt, open panic clear across his face.

Without even batting an eye, I took aim and squeezed the trigger. The man hadn’t been fast enough to get out even one shot. He collapsed to the floor with a bloody sounding wheeze, and I sent a second bullet straight into his head.

He didn’t make another sound.

The metallic bitter scent of blood only grew stronger.

“Are you going to sweeten the deal? Why should we work for you?” Brandon tried. With a sigh, I turned back to him.

“You can work for me, or I’ll kill you. That’s my only offer,” I said brazenly. His courageous expression faltered. “I know that most of you have only been working for Anthony for a short time. None of you are loyal to him aside from the fact that he pays you for your services.”

Brandon turned his gaze away guiltily, which only confirmed everything.

“I’ll pay you more. Plus, I won’t kill you. Do we have a deal?” I asked.

He tried to pretend he was thinking about it, but I knew it was only a ruse. Sometimes all it took was a small amount of strategic violence and the threat of more to get what you wanted, something I learned long ago and had utilized often over the course of my life.

“Deal,” Brandon replied.

“All of you. Drop your weapons,” I demanded. The rest of Anthony’s goons looked to each other for confirmation. Brandon was the first to toss his weapon aside. All the others soon followed. My men made certain the rest of them were unarmed and I strode over to Jon to check in on him.

His head lolled to the side, and I grasped the end of the duct tape.

“I’m sorry. This is probably not going to feel great,” I said before I ripped it off his face. He jerked back and groaned.

“Yeah. It didn’t,” he replied. I yanked off the blindfold, wanting to see those familiar brown eyes again.

“You’ve got yourself into a big ole mess, haven’t you?” I smirked and he sighed. “Where’s Anthony?”

His face crumpled with worry.

“You didn’t take Ava to that cabin on the lake, did you? The one in Harriman State Park?” he asked quickly. Behind him, Frank pulled out a pocketknife and used the tip to spring open the metal cuffs.

I stilled, narrowing my eyes. “How do you know about Harriman?” I spat. A sudden cold chill raced down my spine.

“Anthony knew about it. I don’t know how, but I am certain that he’s heading there now. Maybe he paid off someone or you have a mole among your men, but he bragged about it to me before he left. He planned to get her, bring her back here, and then…” he began.

“Then what?” I pushed furiously.

“Then he’d make me watch as he fucked her before he slit my throat for my disloyalty,” Jon finished.

“We need to go. Now,” I told Frank.
