Page 61 of Mine to Keep

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After Cyrus left, I spent a few hours just napping in bed. It was quiet out here in the woods, which made sleeping easy. All I could hear were the singing of birds, the chirping of crickets, and the rustling of the treetops in the breeze outside. It was quite peaceful when compared to the hustle and bustle of the city.

When I finally got up, I took a long shower, delighting in the hot water pattering down on my skin. My muscles were still a little sore. When I got out, I noticed that my backside still had several pink marks from the belt yesterday and I blushed, remembering all that had happened in that interrogation room, not to mention last night and this morning. I took some time to rub in some of the lotion on the nightstand all over my body, allowing it to dry before I got dressed.

There weren’t a lot of different pieces of clothing to choose from, but it was more than enough for a few days. First, I picked out a simple pair of underwear and matching bra. Then I pulled a t-shirt over my head, smiling at the cute flowery design on the front. Finally, I slipped into a dark pair of jeans, socks, and some sturdy hiking boots.

The light peeked in through the window as I left the bedroom. There was no one else in the kitchen, but someone had brewed a fresh pot of coffee. I rifled through the cabinets, found a mug, and poured myself a steaming hot cup. When I opened the fridge, I grinned at finding a brand-new bottle of my favorite creamer inside. I fixed my coffee to my liking and took a tentative sip.

That first sip was like nothing else. I sighed happily and walked into the living room area.

Someone had thought of everything with setting up this safehouse. I sat down on the couch and picked up a book off the coffee table. It was a romance novel with an enticing looking crown on the cover. It was covered in opulent jewels, and I dragged my finger over the cover, admiring the design. I opened it up and started to read, delighting in the faraway world of kings, queens, and a magical fantasy world where dragons soared through the sky and sea monsters swam in the ocean. Cyrus would be back sooner or later, but I’d be more than happy to kill time with a mug of coffee and a good book.

For a while, everything was as I expected: quiet, peaceful, and tranquil. I stretched out on the couch and languished in the pages of that book.

An unfamiliar sound startled me out of my reading, and I had to bite back a yelp when I accidentally spilled coffee on myself in the process.

At first, I thought it was a footstep in the leaves and that maybe it was just a figment of my imagination, but then someone grunted outside. I jerked my head up and held my breath, listening more closely now. I heard nothing for a while, and I had almost decided that I was hearing things when a floorboard creaked eerily on the front porch.

I put my coffee down on the table, taking care to keep silent as I stood up.

Slowly, I moved toward the wall and leaned to the side just enough to peek out the window. I knew Cyrus had left several guards to protect me. I recognized the cars from last night that had arrived with us, but there were a few more that were unfamiliar.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. What if the safehouse had been compromised? What if Anthony had found us and he was here to kidnap me for whatever vulgar ideas had popped into his head since I’d escaped him the last time?

I swallowed hard, trying to stay calm as best as I could. Panic would do me no good and I needed to think straight.

If he was here, there was really no time to escape. I could run off in the woods, but it was still daylight and I’m sure he already had people combing the grounds. They’d capture me before I got too far. I was sure of it.

My chances would be best if I stood my ground.

Quickly, I stole into the kitchen and opened the drawer, wanting to find something to protect myself from danger. There were several knives inside and I grabbed a sizable one with a plastic sleeve over the blade. I slipped it in the back of my jeans, grabbed my coffee, and retreated into the bedroom, closing the door gently behind me.

Cyrus had told me to stay put, and I meant to, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t protect myself.

I told myself that I could simply be overreacting, that the extra cars could just be more people Cyrus sent to protect me, but if I was wrong and I was in danger, I wanted to be prepared.

I pulled the leather armchair away from the window and pushed it into the corner of the room. A man yelled from somewhere outside, and it was cut short suddenly. I kept silent, listening intently. Leaves crunched outside and I recognized the squeal of the front door as it opened and closed. No one had oiled those hinges in a long time.

Boots clomped against the hardwood and my chest tightened with fear. Someone else had come inside the cabin. A crash sounded and I knew they were searching the other rooms for me.

I had to move. Fast.

I put my mug down on the nightstand, too fearful to drink it right now. I took a deep breath and called upon every bit of courage inside me. With trembling hands, I waited for what would come next.

I wasn’t going to cower and wait to be taken. I would fight back against whoever came through that door, but I needed to come up with a plan. I glanced at the closet and an idea started to come to life in my head.

Cyrus’ men would know not to come in the bedroom. They’d been given explicit orders not to do so, so if anyone came through that door, they would be my enemy. Anthony could send his own goons to secure me, but at this point he was probably furious enough to want to do the job himself.

Anthony had recently come into his power, and he still needed to prove himself. He could bring some of his men along, but it would make more of a statement if he was able to subdue me himself. It would make him seem that much more powerful.

I pulled the knife out and stared down at it for several seconds. Could I kill him if it came down to it? Would I be able to do it if I needed to?

I did know that I had to try.

If Anthony was intent on raping, kidnapping, and potentially killing me, I would play into his game on the surface at least. I would tempt him close enough and then I would do what needed to be done.
