Page 63 of Mine to Keep

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“But…” I stammered, fumbling over my words on purpose. Anthony seemed more interested as I continued. My lower lip quivered, and I bit it gently.

“But what?” he pushed impatiently.

I looked down at the floor. I shook my hands nervously.

“He couldn’t, you know. He couldn’t… get it up so he gave up and I… I’m still a virgin for you,” I mumbled.

“That’s not what they said about you back in school.” He narrowed his eyes with suspicion.

“None of those things were true. Those were all rumors and gossip,” I sniffled. My voice was shaking with emotion and his gaze softened just a hair.

“Seriously?” He lifted a brow.

I nodded, hiding my face as if I was ashamed of what I was saying.

“Back in high school, I dated this guy named Richie,” I started.

“I remember him,” he said curtly.

“Well, in freshman year, he took me to homecoming. He was sweet and romantic, even paid for the limo and the makeup he insisted I wear so that I looked good on his arm, but at the end of the night, he expected way more. I kissed him and he touched my breast. I tried saying no and he didn’t listen, so I ran off and hid in the kitchen of a restaurant so that he couldn’t find me. The next day, I found out he was telling everyone that we’d had sex,” I admitted. I told the story slowly, lining it with elements of truth while also building up the lies.

I did go to homecoming with Richie. He had been kind to me, and I’d really liked him, but it had all been a ploy to get into my pants. I had slept with him that night. He’d bragged about it all over school the next day, saying he bagged and shagged the local school charity case.

I’d never lived it down.

Anthony didn’t need to know that part was actually true.

“He did like to make up stories about all the girls he fucked,” Anthony mused.

“I—” I started and Anthony cut me off.

“That still doesn’t change the fact that you said no to me twice now and you ran away from me. I will not stand for it,” he blurted angrily.

“I know,” I answered. I hung my head.

“You need to know what happens when you deny me,” he replied quickly.

“This first time, maybe, you can be gentle? I’m really nervous and I was hoping that you maybe might show me a little mercy, just this once, please?” I pleaded.

For a second, I hoped my ploy had worked, that maybe he wouldn’t try to really hurt me if he thought I wanted him too. I hoped that he’d consider it, that maybe there was a good person hidden somewhere inside him. His jawline tensed and his eyes narrowed. My stomach sank.

Immediately, I knew I was wrong.

“No. I’m not going to be gentle with you. You’re going to pay for what you’ve done,” he replied. He couldn’t take his eyes from my body though and I couldn’t help but notice that his cock was hard through the line of his pants.

I stood up and untied the ribbon at my breasts, letting the long lacey dress fall to the floor. He sucked in a breath, unable to take his eyes from me as I stood there in nothing more than a bra and panties.

He’d never seen me like this before. He turned and closed the door behind him, and I used the moment to slip my knife out from the armchair and under the pillow on the bed. By the time he faced me again, I was shuffling nervously from side to side in the exact same spot he’d left me. He didn’t suspect a thing.

I held out a hand toward him and he glanced down at my fingers.

“This is a sight I never imagined even in my wildest dreams,” he admitted. He took a few steps toward me, and I beckoned him closer.

“Please? Let me make it up to you? Let me show you what a proper kingpin deserves?” I tried and he groaned, clearly enjoying whatever sordid thoughts were playing through his mind. I didn’t ask because I really didn’t want to know.

He drew close enough and I reached out to touch him, allowing my fingers to tremble as I brushed them across his shoulder. I sucked in a breath, pretending that I was impressed by his muscles. He puffed up his chest like a preening crow, which caught me off guard. I gasped and bit my lip, trying to cover up a giggle that threatened to escape me at such a silly display.

I grew a bit less tentative, like I couldn’t help but throw myself at him and he ate it up. I ran my hand across his upper back, noticing that Cyrus’ was much stronger and far more chiseled. He was so much more man than this pathetic excuse for one.
