Page 62 of Mine to Keep

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Whatever that may be.

I slipped into the closet and stripped off all my clothes while keeping my weapon close. When I’d first gotten dressed, I’d noticed a few boxes of lingerie. I opened the one on top, finding a racy red bra and matching panty set complete with a long see-through lace dress that would show off what was underneath rather nicely.

I hated that I was putting it on for the sole purpose of seducing my enemy.

I slipped the cover off the blade and kicked my clothes over it. I gripped the handle firmly enough to make my knuckles turn white. I took a single deep breath and sprang into action.

I raced back into the bedroom and hid my knife between the cushion and the arm of the leather chair. I took a seat, staring at the door and waiting for whoever it was to come through it.

I prayed that it would be Cyrus.

Reality told me that was probably a false hope.

The knob started to turn very slowly, and I stopped breathing as the door swung open. The hinge creaked just as the front door had. An ominous aura settled throughout the room. My heart was beating so fast and so noisily that I was afraid that the intruder might hear it. My fingers were trembling, and I gripped the arm of the chair to hide my anxiety over the unknown.

The door opened wider, and a lone man strode through it with the sort of casual arrogance that made my stomach turn.

I didn’t need to see his face to know it was Anthony. I recognized his tall and lanky form. He was wearing a nice suit, but that wasn’t enough to hide the monster I knew he was. Immediately, his cold brown eyes searched the room and landed on me.

He grinned like he’d just discovered the most valuable prize in the world.

I wanted to throw up.

Instead, I lifted my chin bravely and appraised him as boldly as I dared. He said nothing for several moments, taking the time to thoroughly assess my body in the outfit I’d chosen. His smile grew as he took in the lingerie, lingering on my breasts and my legs as I sat there in the chair before him. He had a gun in his hand but slipped it in the back of his pants when he saw that I was there all on my own.

Apparently, he didn’t think me a threat.

“Well, this is a nice surprise,” he finally mused. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest. As he stood there, I did the same to him, noticing the shoulders of his suit were ill fitted, the pant legs just a hair too short, his cuffs undone. Parts of his clothes were wrinkled, which made him appear even more disheveled.

He still reminded me of a teenager that dressed without his mother’s help.

His hair was somewhere in between cropped and too long. His eyebrows were bushy, and his face was clean shaven, probably because he couldn’t grow a full beard or even a mustache.

He was nothing like Cyrus and I knew he never would be.

He didn’t move away from the door frame right away, taking his time to draw his lewd stare up and down my body. I noticed that he never really looked at my face either. He was far too distracted by everything else, especially the rise and fall of my breasts.

“I’ve been thinking about you,” I said softly, and he cocked his head with increasing interest. I lowered my eyes demurely and flicked them back up. He smirked, probably thinking himself the paragon of the male form when it was the exact opposite.

“Have you, Ava?” he asked.

I traced the line of my bra through the feathery red lace. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from me, so I didn’t stop. I bit my bottom lip, feigning embarrassment when I looked back up to meet his gaze.

“Ever since I ran away from you, you’re the only one I’ve been thinking about. When I close my eyes, when I wake up in the morning, you are the first thing on my mind,” I lied.

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down when I uncrossed my legs and sat back in the chair. I knew he couldn’t see through the panties, but I was humiliated all the same. I hated it, but I did my best to hide everything that I was feeling.

“But then…” I paused for dramatic effect, and he seemed to hang onto my every word. “Cyrus got a hold of me. He wouldn’t let me go. I tried to go to the police to escape him, but he caught me and then he brought me here to keep me from you,” I continued.

“Where is he now?” Anthony asked.

“I don’t know. What matters is that you found me,” I answered.

“You’re finally ready for me, aren’t you?” he smirked. His voice had taken a hardened tone and I couldn’t tell if it was violent, or a touch unhinged.

“Cyrus tried to fuck me,” I began. I allowed a touch of horror to make my words tremble and it affected him exactly how I hoped it would.

“Fucking bastard,” he spat.
