Page 21 of The Jane Thing

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He snorts and rolls his eyes. “Do you remember when you and Chloe used to hunt for four-leaf clovers?”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I watched you through my window,” he answers simply.

Exhausted, I cover a yawn and give myself a mental shake. “You need to work late tomorrow night.”

“Excuse me?”

“I have a book club meeting after work.”

“Like, you mean a bunch of women here? Talking about a Jennifer Ann book?” He leans toward me to see the cover of the book I’m reading.

“No. It’s a Zoom meeting,” I answer. “But I don’t want you here. And we’re talking about a Kate Carley book.”

“Who’s Kate Carley?”

I give him an eye roll. “Just don’t come home until after nine.”

“Got it.” He speaks calmly, but he salutes me, and I consider smacking him.

“Have you looked for a place yet?”

“Nope.” He drops to the couch and scoots a bit to get comfortable. I notice the leg of his shorts ride up to expose his thigh. Very muscular, as I thought it would be. “Waiting for Wamba to decide if he likes the desert before I commit to anything.”

This guy has serious commitment-phobia. He and Chloe are like flip sides of a coin. Which is so bizarre, because I know they’re super close.

“What isWaiting for Wamba? Is that like a song?”

He laughs and nods as if he’s encouraging me. “I like it, Skye.”

I take a deep breath and remind myself he’s not all bad. We had some fun yesterday. He’s not here that much through the week. And if Wamba likes the desert, maybe he’ll start looking for his own place. Whatever that means.

Most of all, I remind myself that Chloe cares about Gideon, so I can’t kick him out just because his somewhat pretentious behavior makes me nuts.
