Page 120 of Fighting For Her Love

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“I’m hungry. Can we go get something to eat?” Tristan asks.

“Sure. Where would you like to eat?”

“Anywhere is good,” he says, shrugging.

We decide on a local deli that one of the employees at Madison suggested. We take a table in the corner, next to the window so she has a view. Briar, Thorn and Remo chat with Tristan as I watch, lost in my thoughts. Caleb, Holden, and Piper decided to do their own thing which is fine.

Lane is in New York and he’s watching us. I need the others to know that. I also want Briar to feel safe.

The waitress comes to take our order and Briar is distracted, I text Tristan.

‘Lane is here.’

Tristan’s eyes widened and then narrowed. He shows his phone to Thorn, who doesn’t burst out like I thought he would. I look to see Remo and Briar engaged in a conversation about Broadway musicals.

‘You saw him?’

‘No, he called me and described Briar’s outfit. Just keep an eye out.’

‘Definitely.’Tristan texts back and I get a nod from Thorn.

We walk around Central Park. Briar stops to take pictures of all of us and though we groan and whine, we gladly oblige her. She’s smiling and that’s all that matters.

I hail a cab to head to Aiden’s, we’re all excited to see his place. Thorn is happy to meet another fighter.

“I texted Holden, they will meet us there,” Thorn says, right as Tristan’s phone rings.

“Yeah,” Tristan answers. I lean closer when I see his face.

“Tristan,” Lane chuckles. He can’t move anywhere so he’s keeping his voice low. He leans closer so I can hear what Lane is saying.

“What do you want?” he snaps. I wish we could step away so Briar wouldn’t hear.

I get Remo’s attention and motion for him to keep her distracted. She sat up front because she wanted to watch the scenery.

“Just wanted to say hi,” he says.

“Spit it out. That’s not why you called,” Tristan hisses.

“It would be a shame if you didn’t make Kingston’s fight,” he says.

“Is that a threat?” Tristan growls.

“Nope, just saying it would be a shame. I mean anything can happen in a big city. If you hadn’t stepped in, Briar would be with me right now. So, anything can happen, right?”

“Stay away from her. Stay away from all of us,” Tristan snarls into the phone.

“Keep your head on a swivel, friend,” Lane says before hanging up.

I caught bits and pieces but know enough to know Tristan is upset. I’m grateful that Tristan kept it quiet so Briar couldn’t hear. Lane is pushing all the limits.

We pull up to Aiden’s estate. It’s almost a replica of his old house in Florida, the house he grew up in. I hope he moves back one day. We keep trying to get him to, but he keeps blowing us off.

He’s waiting for us outside.

“Glad you guys could make it. There is a pool and hot tub out back, help yourselves,” Aiden says right as Caleb, Holden, and Piper show up.

Briar goes inside with Piper, the guys following behind. I stay behind with Tristan, who is pacing back and forth along the drive.
