Page 141 of Fighting For Her Love

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He makes me my tea and he orders me a grilled cheese and tomato soup. We settle in with tea and food to watch Kingston on TV


I’m fielding questions left and right.

“Kingston, you said there was a reason you came out of retirement. We all heard your last press conference. Have those reasons changed?” One man in the front with a stain on his shirt asks me.

“No, they haven’t. Mr. Gage has stepped out of line and messed with the love of my life. He only cares about himself and winning. I’m going to show him what losing is,” I say.

“Mr. Gage, care to comment?” A woman in the third row asks Lane.

“Mr. Storm only sees what he wants to see. I’m cocky because I win. I don’t have to say it, it just is that way. Everyone knows I win. As for the love of his life, he didn’t have her first. He should know you don’t mess with family because he messed with mine.”

I clench my fists under the table as Lane smirks at me, trying to bait me.

“Kingston, are you prepared for this fight?” A big man in glasses asks me.

“I am. I’m sure I will win. I have to keep that positive attitude and then after this I will marry the love of my life,” I say.

“Can you give us a date?” A skinny woman in the back asks.

“No date set but hopefully soon. If there are no further questions, I have a fiancé to get back to. See you all tomorrow.”

Lane glares at me as I walk out. The wedding comment got to me.

“Tell her to remember me,” he yells after me, but I ignore him.


Holden and I thought Kingston was going to lose it, but he kept it together pretty well. I tensed up when he mentioned the wedding. That’s just going to piss Lane off, I’m sure.

“Everything will be okay,” Holden says, rubbing my back. He pours me another cup of tea.

“Lane is a horrible person,” I say.

“We all see this now. He wasn’t ever like this. When he first started living with us, before starting an affair with my wife, he was actually decent. Once he gets set on something, he goes for it,” Remo says.

“He says he wants me, but he treats me like shit,” I state.

“He’s unstable. When he wants something, he will even betray his friends,” Holden adds.

“I can see that.”

“We won’t let anything happen to you,” Remo says.

“You can’t promise that. What if King loses? What if Hayes doesn’t get him? What if he escapes? What if the judge doesn’t put him away for vandalism and stalking?”

“King might lose, he might win. But Hayes has enough evidence to put Lane away for a couple of years. Don’t worry about it until after tomorrow,” Holden says.

“I will always worry about it. If they never stepped into the diner, this wouldn’t be happening.” I’m starting to shake and Holden hugs me.

“You don’t know that. Remember Thorn was told to meet Kingston at the gym. You would have met everyone anyway.”

“I guess you’re right, but maybe King wouldn’t have fallen in love with me,” I say, as Holden lets me go.

“You don’t know that either,” he says.

“You’re right, I don’t,” I say.
