Page 142 of Fighting For Her Love

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“Lie down and watch some TV with us until King gets back,” Remo says.

I put my head in Remo’s lap and he plays with my hair. Soon I’m fast asleep.


I’m on my way back to the room when my phone rings.

“Mother,” I answer.

“We dropped our bags off in our room.”

“I didn’t think you were going to come here. I thought you would just watch at home.”

“I’m here to support you and Briar.”

“We’ll meet you in the lobby,” I turn and head in that direction, Thorn in tow. I decide to let him come to the press conference and he kept it together, which surprised me and made me proud all at the same time.

“Oh, your mommy is in town?” Lane sneaks up on us as we pass the elevators. “Did you run to mommy and tell her I was a bad boy?”

Thorn starts to advance but I hold him back.

“What will it take to get you to stop?” I ask him.

“Give me what I want,” he says.

“She is not property. She’s a person and has made up her mind who she wants to be with,” I state.

“Has she? You sure about that? She seemed to like it this morning,” he chuckles.

“What are you talking about?”

“Your minion didn’t tell you. I had her almost at an orgasm right there in that corner this morning. She loved my fingers on her,” He is trying to bait me.

“Your brain is warped. She didn’t like it. She was sobbing afterwards. She said you made her feel dirty,” I almost shout at him. I’m seething with anger, so is Thorn.

“Is that what she said? Classic Briar. She’s just embarrassed to admit that I’m better than you. I always have been. She was mine from the beginning. I knew her first. She just doesn’t remember.”

“Time for you to go, Lane,” Viktor says as he exits the elevator. Timing is everything in this family. I almost sag with relief at seeing them but don’t. Lane can’t see that kind of emotion from me.

“Oh, Vik. You know you can’t do anything, lest your extracurricular activities be revealed. By the way, tell Tana Embry says hi,” Lane chuckles.

“Leave before security gets here,” Viktor growls.

“They can’t do anything. See you tomorrow. Tell Remo, Embry is still tight as hell and so much fun in the sack,” Lane says as he strolls off.

I’m glad that Remo didn’t hear that.

“He’s lying about being with Embry. She’s getting help in a spa facility,” Viktor says.

“You found her?” I ask.

“Yeah. She was getting on a flight to come here, but was flagged, thanks to me. I felt that sending her to get some help was better than locking her up for helping Lane. She helped him in everything, including torching Briar’s car. And the notes, those were from her.”

“What the fuck?” Thorn hisses, but we ignore him. We’ll talk about it later.

“She needs help and yeah, I agree, I’d rather her get help than be locked up. Thanks. I’m glad you’re here. Briar is a wreck.”

“What did the bastard do to her?” Viktor asks.
