Page 24 of Reckoning

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Dean was a big guy. He was all muscle and strength and everything a girl could ever dream of and that didn’t stop at his cock.

It was thick and incredibly long, easily the largest one I’d ever seen on a man. His girth had always been slightly painful for me at first and looking at it now reminded me of that. I had the distinct feeling that Daddy’s cock was going to hurt that much more.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away as his fingers dipped to graze the length of his cock. I swallowed heavily, my mouth drying as I squirmed a little at the sight. He curled his digits around his thick girth and his length jerked right in front of me.

This was new. He’d never done this in front of me before.

My body started to shake with a sort of anxious electricity that wouldn’t go away. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. I wanted to see his cock. I wanted to see him come.

At first, he only lightly grazed his fingers up and down his thickness. Then he started to gradually tighten his grip until he was fully stroking his cock.

It seemed like he was bigger than I remembered. That much harder.

I slid my thighs against one another, feeling the remains of the multitude of orgasms he’d taken from me on my skin. The scent of my own arousal was heady even to me and as I watched him pleasure himself, it made it even stronger as I grew even wetter. The longer I watched him touch himself, the more I realized that I wanted to come again.


I wanted to touch him. I wanted to curl my fingers around his girth and taste the evidence of his desire for me. I wanted to put my mouth around the head of his cock.

My body burned with need.

His cock grew harder, so hard that its natural pink color started to turn purple. He stroked himself faster and my eyes followed every movement like my life depended on it.

I struggled in my bonds, held captive by the cuffs on my wrists and my jeans around my ankles.

Almost as if he knew what I was thinking, a smirk edged at the corners of his lips. He knew I wanted him.

“Lie still, little girl. Daddy is enjoying himself,” he murmured.

I whimpered softly. My pelvis rocked just a little bit, imagining what it would feel like to have him drive himself inside me with that very hard cock.

My inner walls fluttered hard at the thought.

If he asked me to fuck him right now, I knew what I would say.

By the look in his eyes, he knew what my answer would be too.

His strokes grew longer. Faster. I grew more desperate with him and when it felt like I couldn’t take anymore, his seed spurted toward me.

It arced up and landed on my welted bottom and the backs of my thighs. Its searing heat was shocking, and I stilled as more of his cum landed on my scalded flesh.

He kept stroking himself, ensuring that he pumped every last drop onto me, and I shook, wet and needy as he finished. He reached for me and pushed two of his thick fingers roughly between my lips, forcing me to taste him in the process.

It was salty and bitter, and I gagged at first, but a mildly sweet aftertaste followed that was far more intoxicating than I cared to admit. I swirled my tongue around those digits, ensuring that I didn’t miss a single drop of his cum.

I could feel it drying on my skin. Every bit of it.

A soft cry left my throat.


My voice broke. It sounded weak and I shivered hard as he tucked his cock away inside his jeans.

“Shhh, little girl. Daddy’s got you now,” he said quietly.

He reached for my wrist and carefully unlocked the leather cuff. Quickly, he released the other and then he gathered me in his arms more swiftly than I even thought possible. He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap, curling his large form around mine in a protective warm embrace that shattered the last of my defenses.

I expected him to begin grilling me for answers, but he said nothing.

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