Page 49 of Reckoning

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Salvador was a nice-looking man and when I sat down at the wine bar, his eyes settled on me for several moments longer than all the rest of the people attending. Even with Janet posing beside me as my sister, I still caught his eye again and again.

I smiled back, feigning interest as I swirled the small sample of wine in my glass to awaken the flavors just like he’d told us to. I did everything right even with Janet sitting beside me, but it all felt so much emptier than ever before. At the end of the tasting, she excused herself to visit the restroom and Salvador ventured over to me, leaning over the bar with obvious interest in my direction.

“Hi, there,” he began. He’d already introduced himself, so there was no need for him to do that again.

“I’m Emma,” I smiled; at the same time I dropped my eyes in a show of embarrassed interest that was sure to catch his attention. From his file, there was every indication that he liked his women demure and only a little bold.

I lifted my eyes a bit more confidently to see his expression, and I knew that my instincts were right.

“Your hair has been catching the light rather brilliantly all afternoon, Emma,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you,” I whispered, and I could feel myself blush a little at his compliments.

“Would you like to take a tour of the facility with me? I have some extra special vintages I’ve been needing to sample, and it would be awfully helpful if I had another to taste it with me,” he said hopefully and I knew that he’d taken the bait.

“That would be wonderful,” I answered excitedly. I twirled my hair in my fingers and glanced down again, painting on the shy girl act as best as I could, and he fell for it.

Hook, line, and sinker.

I caught Janet out of the corner of my eye, and I waved to her. She smiled knowingly and left the winery. As the rest of the attendees trickled out, a tall man walked through the doors wearing a beanie and something of a hipster outfit.

“Can I help you?” Salvador asked politely. He hid it well, but I was pretty sure he was annoyed to have someone walk in like this so close to closing time.

“I’m looking for someone,” the man said, and I stilled.


I gulped. My eyes flew to the door. Janet was nowhere to be seen. With a deep breath, I turned to face him.

Those ocean blue eyes found mine. He didn’t need to say anything at all, but I knew that he’d figured out my scheme. I bet he’d figured it all out. He started speaking first.

“Your hair looks different from the last time I saw you,” he ventured, sitting down beside me. Salvador’s gaze slipped back and forth between us.

“Another day then, Emma?” Salvador pressed. He was interested, but I hadn’t cinched it yet.

“I’d really like that. Why don’t I come back in just a little bit?” I asked him sweetly and he smiled.

“Can I take you to dinner tonight?” he asked, and I grinned. I could feel Dean watching and it was difficult to have his eyes on me at the same time that I was trying to draw in a mark.

“If I say yes, can I taste more of your wine?” I asked playfully and Salvador grinned widely.

“I’ll set something up for seven tonight,” he offered.

“It’s a date then,” I smirked, and his face lit up.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Enjoy the facility and let me know if you need anything,” Salvador added and he walked away, leaving Dean and me alone in the wine bar.

He cleared his throat.

“I want you to go and take a seat at the table furthest from the window,” he instructed, and a sudden feeling of dread hurtled through me. I turned to face him, trying to gauge what he was thinking and finding the hard look of his disappointment instead.

“Yes, Daddy,” I whispered. I swallowed hard and he pointed to where he wanted me. I went. I didn’t need to be told twice.

I sat down and Dean joined me. He was quiet as a waitress came and locked the doors from the inside before she waved and disappeared into the back.

“Lift your dress. I want it up around your waist,” he demanded.

“But I…” I began, and he shook his head.
