Page 51 of Reckoning

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“Yes, Daddy,” I said meekly.

“What does she do?”

“She’s a highly trained assassin,” I replied quietly.

“I see.”

“She’s been sent to decide if I’m still an asset to the family,” I muttered.

His eyes flashed to meet mine.

“And if she decides that you aren’t?” he asked, his voice dropping to a dangerous decibel that I’d never heard before.

“Then I die,” I said flatly, and I had to bite back a sob.

“Daddy needs you to know that he won’t let that happen, little girl. Daddy is going to protect you,” he said firmly, and I shook my head.

“You can’t keep me safe from the family. If the Father decides that he wants me dead, it is simply a matter of time until it happens,” I replied.

“Spread your legs, little girl,” he demanded, and a small cry escaped me as he pushed himself up from his seat. He stood behind me and I almost forgot to breathe as he leaned forward and slid his palms down the curve of my shoulders. His right hand descended a bit further and reached down to cup my pussy as I anxiously spread my legs.

He slapped my pussy three times in quick succession. There was no pomp or circumstance to the way he punished me. By the time it was over, the shock had faded, and the only thing left was a burning sting in between my legs that simmered at first only to grow blazing hot in the following seconds. I keened and his palms returned to my shoulders.

Desperately, I moved to close my legs and reached to cup my sore pussy, meaning to give myself some semblance of relief.

“Keep those legs open and your hands on the table, little girl. Daddy has something to say and you’re going to listen,” he continued.

I rushed to obey, not wanting him to spank my pussy like that again. Especially here.

“Yes, Daddy,” I whimpered.

“Daddy has already shown you that he isn’t the man that you originally thought, hasn’t he? He has far more money and accounts than you knew about, which means there is a whole lot about me that you don’t know, little girl,” he scolded.

“Yes, Daddy,” I answered, my voice giving away just how fragile I felt.

“Then how do you know that Daddy can’t protect you, little girl?”

I tried to find the words to answer, but there was nothing there. He was right. I didn’t know him. I’d only glimpsed a hint of the resources at his disposal and if he’d been able to hide all that money from the family, maybe there was more to him that I could have dreamed of.

“You’ve never had a mark find you before, have you?”

“No, Daddy,” I breathed.

“Daddy’s found you twice now, little girl, hasn’t he?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“I want to tell you something, my little con artist. Will you listen to me?”

“Yes, Daddy. I want to listen,” I replied, and I hesitantly realized that I was telling the truth. I did want to listen. I wanted to know more.

Because Daddy was here.

Daddy wanted to keep me safe.

“Daddy received a message from you the first time, and he didn’t heed it because you weren’t in control then, were you, little girl?”

“No, Daddy,” I whimpered.
