Page 14 of Fallen

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I interrupt to divert this subject. Talking about Jhanvi’s death still bruises my heart.

“Let’s get to work, Akash. Find me these details from Scotland and if necessary, pay a visit there to get more information. Any update, small or big, I need to know everything.”

“On it,” He promised before disconnecting.

Aman enters the house with Aarvi again by the time I finish the call and I change my mood. I don’t want Aman or anyone from my family to know I am still trying ways to prove Khushi is my Jhanvi because I know it’s too soon for them to believe it. What I feel for her, no one else can relate to it. No one.!!


Next Day – AR Group

Aman is relieved to see me back at work, despite he wanted me to rest for another day at home after my fever yesterday. But I am good now. A bit hopeful too that Akash finds something positive in regards to that Scotland thing. I could ask this openly to Khushi as well but if there are no strings connecting her to Jhanvi, I wouldn’t do that mistake. The day I am confident she is not my Jaan, I am going to walk away from her because no matter even if she has those same looks and personality, I can never love a woman other than my wife. And that’s a hardcoded fact. Even my destiny cannot change that.

I am still busy checking some reports when my assistant tells me Rudra Singh is here to meet me. That's what's intriguing. What brings him here? Regardless of how many meetings I have scheduled for the time being, I instruct my assistant to postpone them and send Rudra inside.

He barges into my cabin in less than a minute. Rudra Singh is the son of an Indian businessman Ratan Singh who married an NRI from New Jersey and forever settled down there with her. Rudra was born and raised in New Jersey, and soon after completing his studies, his father gave him the reins of one of his subsidiary companies, RS Group, of which he is the CEO now.

“Mr. Singh” I don’t even make an effort to get up or greet him beyond this. The look on Rudra’s face confirms he isn’t here for spreading warmth either.

“What were you doing in my Villa from three consecutive days?” he barks.

That's even more intriguing. Rudra had been out of town for three days, which is why he hadn't noticed me lingering near his home. Now that he's returned, either Khushi informed him or he has his sources who keep an eye on his girlfriend.

“Wrong question, Mr. Singh. I was not there at your Villa. I was standing outside, and you don't own that property.”

My response fuels his anger. He leans over my table, some distance from the chair I had occupied, glaring at me.

“You think you are smart, Aarav?”

I chuckle. “You came all the way to ask me that?” I mock.

“No.” he grits his teeth. “I came here to warn you. Stay away frommygirlfriend. She’s notyourwife.”

Now he has my attention even more. I rise from my chair when he turns to leave after hurling that menace at me.

“The day I get even a single hint she is my wife, you are the first one who would be out of her life, Rudra Singh.”

His steps falter but he doesn't turn around and in three more seconds he is out of my cabin. My suspicions of Rudra knowing something about the Khushi-Jhanvi connection are turning stronger.



The meeting ends and trust me when I say I didn’t pay attention to what was discussed even for a second. My thoughts were fully diverted by the man whose business I intend to destroy.Aarav Raichand. The trick he pulled in the last two days, chasing me and drinking ruthlessly in front of my house, haunts my dreams. The graze of his thumb on my lips still lingers every time I open my mouth to speak. Aarav Raichand has left a mark on me and I don’t even know if I’ll ever be able to get rid of it.

My secretary, Ana picks up my laptop and I rise to leave back to my cabin when the door of the Conference room slams open and Rudra marches inside. His entry scares off the attendees but they greet him and make their way out.

“Hey, when did you come back? I thought you are coming tomorrow.”

Rudra doesn’t reply but glares at Ana instead. “Get out.”

Once Ana scoots out of the conference leaving us alone Rudra shuts the door and turns back to me.

“Rudra, it’s not good to shout at the staff for no reasons. And what happened? Why do you look so annoyed?” I inquire.

“Aarav Raichand is stalking you?” he snaps. “He’s been doing that from the time he met us and you didn’t tell me a thing?”

Oh! So, he got to know? Who told him? My security? Or my driver, John?
