Page 7 of Fallen

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I walk out to my car where the chauffeur is waiting to drive me to RS Group of Companies. In a minute, we are on the main road and it’s just a 30 minutes drive from here.I typically check my emails and plan my day throughout my commute, but today I can't keep my gaze away from the side mirror of my car, where I notice a massive black SUV with tainted glass driving just behind us. It’s Bugatti and I’m well aware of how rare it is even in a city like Mumbai. Why do I think this car is following me? Though it’s at a safer distance from mine, the thought that it’s still following my car creeps in my head.

“Take the next right, John.”

“But Ma’am the office is on the left.”

“I know. Just do as I say.”

My Chauffeur nods at my instructions and for almost 10 minutes we drive on the road nowhere related to RS Group Lane. It’s shocking how that Black Bugatti takes the same route as us, confirming, someone is stalking me. Well, let me find out who it is then. It's only been a week since I arrived in India, and no one knows who I am, but as Rudra says, enemies can even be someone from our friends and I can't afford to overlook that possibility. Asking John to drive us back to RS Group, I quickly open my phone camera to prepare for the following action.

The Bugatti follows us till the RS group building, though it has slowed down its speed as we near the gates. Before John can drive through the gates, I instruct him to park the car aside, and then as I step out, I turn to the black car and photograph its license plate. The car drives ahead of us, speeding on the other lane the moment I do so.

Thankfully I have got what I need. It won’t take me long to know who was stalking me. Getting back in my car, I ask John to drive in the campus.


Three hours is all my source needs to get the name of the person who owns that car and when my secretary, Ana gets me these details in the cabin, I am shocked.

“Aman Mathur from AR Group is also ready to see you,” Ana informs.

Aman Mathur? Hmm.

“Send him in,” I shove the details which Ana got related to the owner of the car in my drawer and waited impatiently to meet the Vice President of AR Group, Aman Mathur. I have heard he is also a good friend of the CEO, Aarav Raichand.Interesting. Very Interesting.

Aman’s steps falter as he enters my cabin and meets my gaze. Why? This is the same look I had seen on Aarav and Mohit Raichand’s faces at the party last night. Getting up from my seat, I circle the desk to meet Aman in the middle of my cabin.

“Khushi Thakur,” I extend my hand but he takes another few seconds to shake mine.

“Aman Mathur.”

“Nice meeting you, Mr. Mathur. Please have a seat.”

I take my seat once he is comfortable.

“I expected the CEO to attend this meeting,” I speak first.

“Uh. .yeah. He.. He got some other work to do. So, I am here.”

“Other important work?” I smile. “Like stalking a woman?”

Aman’s brows rise in amusement.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, Mr. Mathur.” I pull out my phone and show him the picture I took this morning of the black Bugatti which now I know belongs to Aarav Raichand. “Your CEO was tailing me this morning.”

Aman is taken aback.

“If he was so interested in seeing me, he should have come to today's meeting. Isn't this stalker game new in business? I had never heard of it before.”

Aman looks puzzled and lost in some thoughts before focusing back on me.

“There’s some misunderstanding. Aarav won’t play such tricks Jha…” he pauses as if to correct my name, “Miss Thakur.”

Wait. What was he going to call me? I want to ask but I don’t.

“Don’t cover up for him, Mr. Mathur-”
