Page 71 of Fallen

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I make my way out and purposely do some work that I could have done the next day, only to pass some time. When I return, both Jhanvi and Aarvi are fast asleep. It tempts me to cuddle my wife and sleep like the way she wanted me to but nope. I’m a hard man to be lured like that. So, I gently lift sleeping Aarvi and place her at the center, slowly pushing Jhanvi to the corner. She tosses in her sleep and cuddles Aarvi who also snuggles to her body. I want to snuggle them too but a little more waiting can give me the desired results so, with that hope, I pull the quilt on all of us and sleep at the other corner of the bed. I know when Jhanvi wakes up tomorrow and sees these changes, she is going to be annoyed.


I toss on the bed, stretching my body and that’s when I suddenly recall how last night I slept in between Aarav and my daughter. Though a part of me is still wondering why I did that, I don’t ponder much and open my eyes when I don’t feel Aarav’s arms or his body spooning me, unlike the last time. A growl leaves my lips as I realize I’m at the corner of the bed with Aarvi sleeping between us. When did this happen? As far as I remember when Aarav went out on the pretext of work, I was in the center. Did he do this? Did he deliberately put Aarvi in between us again? He must have. My nose flares in anger and I want to smack his handsome morning face for turning down my simple efforts last night. I know I shouldn’t have shown interest in sleeping at the center but after all these days of ignorance from Aarav’s side, I really needed him to cuddle me and assure me that he’ll support my decision if I wish to stay in New York for some time.

Apart from the stronger attraction for Aarav I initially found it difficult to stay with him, giving up the kind of life I lived for the last two years. I failed to realize what depth our relationship had once and hence wanted to head back to New York and continue my life, career and work goals there.

It’s not just about my selfish motives but also because I need to give a proper end to my career there in RS Group as well as find the missing truths of my life, including the whereabouts of real Khushi Thakur. Not to forget, my confrontation with Rudra is still pending. I need to know if he really knew all this while I wasn’t Khushi but Jhanvi? All these agendas demanded I spend some time in New York and could be done independently only if Aarav stops clinging to me and dictate my life there. I never said I wanted to stay away from him permanently. I just wanted some time to sort these things which are still a very important part of my life. But amidst all this the only catch was Aarvi and I didn’t know how I would stay without my baby.

The thought of never being able to see Aarav or Aarvi again pains my heart which I didn't feel before Aarav asked for the divorce. I was under the impression that even if I walked away, I would be able to see and meet them at my convenience. But Aarav’s decision of divorce has brought out my feelings for him that I’ve been suppressing so far. Even the warmth of this house and this family kind of environment that I get when I stay next to them, has heightened my spirits. I don’t want to lose any of these.

That’s why last night I tried getting some of his attention but he failed me. Looks like I need to either try harder or give up. I need someone who can help me analyze my inner turmoil and the only person I can think of right now who can help is Aarav’s grandmother. Though I don’t remember my past with her, I feel she can guide me without being biased.

I place a small peck on Aarvi’s cheeks and though I want to do the same for Aarav too, I don’t. It’s high time I either give him all of me or stay away from him like the way he is keen on ignoring me. There can’t be a middle way to this situation.


Few Hours Later

“Jhanvi?” Daadi is super surprised and elated seeing me in Raichand Mansion. She is sitting on the recliner and reading some holy book when I stepped into her room.

I reach Daadi and touch her feet. Aarvi is along so I make her do the same and that gesture brings tears of pride in Daadi’s eyes.

“Come here my sunshine.” Daadi kisses Aarvi’s forehead and then pulls her cheeks. “How are you?”

“I am fine. I miss you,” she shies.

“I miss you too.” Daadi pulls Aarvi in her embrace who quickly sits on her lap. “This is such a pleasant surprise. Has Aarav also come?”

“No. He’s at the office. In fact, I didn’t want to get him along this time.”

My honest reply worries her.

“Is everything okay between you two?”

I nod and she understands I have a few things to share. Aarvi’s Nanny has come along so I ask her to take Aarvi down while I speak to Daadi. As soon as we are alone, I sit next to her and tell her about the cold war going on between Aarav and me because of my decision to stay in New York for a while.

“So much is happening and you are telling me now? Even Aarav didn’t share a word with me on this,” she complains.

“He probably didn’t want to stress you more and believe me, I too don’t want you to worry, but I needed someone to understand why I am doing this and help me explain the same to Aarav as well.”

“Oh, dear.”

She strokes my face lovingly.

“Your decision might be the best for you, Jhanvi but don’t expect Aarav to take it positively. That man has lived without you for two long years. He thought you were dead and your memories have haunted him day and night. Think about the pain and suffering he has gone through. It’s unimaginable. How can you expect him to allow you to go again even if it’s temporarily?”

I stare at her blankly. Coming here to seek her advice, I hoped for some clarity in my plans but even Daadi is not in my support. As Daadi reads my dismay, she smiles.

“If you had been in his place, would you let the love of your life go away from you even for the shortest period?”

I don’t know what to reply. Love of my Life!! I might have loved Aarav Raichand before but I don’t have those memories and now I feel it’s more of an attraction and responsibility. Is it even love?

“Jhanvi.” Daadi’s voice breaks my stupor. “No one can help you answer this but your own self. I know you don’t have memories and only hearing from people like us and trusting that your love for Aarav was supreme is not easy. Give some time to rethink and I’m sure you’ll get your answers. Okay, tell me one thing. What is hurting you the most? That Aarav asking you to break every connection between you & Aarvi-Aarav. Am I right?”

I shake my head. She is right. That has set me off ever since he demanded it.

“You can't even think of cutting yourself from them then think how can he let you go away from him for an unspecified time. That too after getting you back after 2 long, painful years? He is ready to give you the space you want to sort out your confusion. You should also try to be considerate and think from his perspective, Jhanvi. That’s how marriages work. And yours is not just a marriage. The kind of love you two share is not something we see very often. So, I suggest you think about it again before taking any rushed decision.”
