Page 29 of Academically Yours

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He tapped the book in my hands. “So, what is it that you’re working on?” Matthew asked me again.

“Part of my job as Hall Director is to teach a class on leadership to the RAs, so I’m just trying to get my lesson planned out for this week. I just haven’t figured out exactly what I want to talk about yet.” I fixed a thoughtful expression on my face. “I mean, I guess I know what I’m supposed to talk about.” I pulled up the general overview for the class, pointing at that week’s topic on the document.

“Okay, sounds fun,” he announced. “Want to walk me through your ideas? I can help you narrow it down if that helps.”

“Well…” I hesitated.

Matthew, who I was finding I was quickly growing comfortable being around, gave me a small, comforting smile. “What do you have to lose, right?”

“You’re right,” I said, feeling surprised at how easily he reassured me and calmed my nerves. I went over my few ideas, and he nodded along, listening with rapt interest, never once taking his eyes off me. I couldn’t believe how present he was in the moment. Asked me questions, supplying me with other topics that were related, things that would help flesh out the presentation.

Once I finished talking, he sat back in the chair and flashed me a grin. “Do you know what you want to talk about now?”

I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my face. “Yeah. I do. Thanks.” I looked at him thoughtfully. “You’re surprisingly good at this, you know.”

“At what?” he chuckled. “Giving advice? I do it all the time. I still work as a consultant for businesses, you know.”

“Oh.” That made sense. “But no, I meant—you told me once that you were good with numbers. But you’re good with words, too.”

Matthew gave me a little smirk. “I read a lot as a kid.”

“I see,” I said, wondering why that surprised me. It wasn’t like I knew much about him. Sure, we had talked for little bits of time, here and there, but I didn’t really know him. But I wanted to. Because underneath the beautiful exterior and the athletic build, he was witty, brilliant, and seemed to really care. Matthew could have been a professional athlete, even, based on his height and body tone, but instead, here he was… as an academic. And he was always surprising me.

“Don’t look so surprised, Noelle.”

“Who said I was surprised?” I fixed a little scowl on my face, but I didn’t mean it. It just seemed like more fun to mess with him.

He reached over and touched the tip of my nose. “That little expression of yours did.”

And oh my God, did he just touch my nose? “I—” I just looked at him, a little too stunned to speak.

“I loved to read growing up. I still do. I read a lot more academic journals now, of course, but I like to read a good novel when I can. Mostly science fiction and fantasy, but I branch out occasionally too.”

“It’s just—I love to read.” I gushed. “I love fantasy,” I blurted out, wondering if we were close enough friends for me to give him book recommendations. He probably didn’t want to read the things that I did, anyway. Although… “And romance.” I blushed a little.

“I know,” he said, with that deep voice of his.

“What?” I squeaked.

“I saw your piles of books and your bookshelves—plus your group chat name is cute. I’m guessing you came up with it?”

Right. I forgot he saw my room. Geez, I needed to purge some books to get rid of those stacks. I nodded. “I did. The girls hated it at first, but I made it stick.” I flashed him a grin. “That’s what they get for starting a book club with me.” I shrugged.

He laughed. “Of course they did. What books do you normally read with them?”

I looked around the room, like, Am I being punked right now? Does this beautiful man want to talk about books with me? He raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat with a cough. “Mostly romances, honestly. The last one was about two rival novelists.” I nodded.

He signaled at me to keep going. “We don’t have to talk about books. Really,” I insisted, waving my hands at him in dismissal, “I’m sure you’re busy, and I don’t want to take the time from your schedule—”

“I’ll always make time for you.” And damn if that statement didn’t make me feel all warm inside.

I could feel the warmth rushing to my face, creeping up my neck. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” He stretched, flexing his muscles, and then placing his hands behind his head. I watched as his biceps pulled against his sweater-clad arms and willed myself to not visibly react to his body. “That’s what friends do, right?”

I flushed. “About that—”

“No takebacks.” He grinned. “You said you wanted to try it, this friendship thing.”
