Page 85 of The Dragon

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I tipped the bottle back and downed two large gulps of beer, which tasted terrible.

“The guy over there is trying to get an invite to their thing,” Levi said.

A threesome?

Mateo looked at Wyatt and me. “Are either of you bi?” he asked.

“This is L.A., who isn’t?” Wyatt said. I joined in the laughter with Wyatt, Levi, and Mateo. “Well, like Levi said, anytime you need to have that itch scratched, we’re on the tenth floor.”

“Thanks, guys,” Wyatt said. He said it as if it wasn’t a big deal. Granted, he knew all of us at the party were in the public eye to some degree and probably felt like we would respect everyone’s privacy and not spread rumors or details like that. From listening to them, it sounded like a lot of celebrities and athletes in the L.A. area almost expected people to be bi and open about it. And while I could get on board with that, I wasn’t sure how TCF would feel… or my fans.

“It’s so difficult to find trustworthy people for a casual encounter,” Wyatt said. “I date women and love fucking them. But there’s nothing like a blowjob from another guy. There’s this one guy at the gym who I trust. He’s another trainer and works with some basketball players. He’s amazing, and no one there is privy to it. I need that itch scratched a few times a week,” Wyatt explained.

I tipped back the bottle of beer again, this time draining it.

“Have you ever had a guy suck you, Hollis?” Levi asked.

I shook my head and smiled bashfully. I could feel the heat spread across my face. The three of them laughed, but I didn’t feel like they were laughing at me.

“Well, like we said… tenth floor,” Mateo added.

I didn’t know what to do aside from nod. Wyatt started talking to them with interest for visiting them with that in mind. As the three of them talked as if they were making plans for the night, I held up my empty beer bottle and quietly excused myself.

Morgan and his girlfriend were chatting with a few women who lived on my floor of the building. Natalie and Leah were roommates, and both were models. Morgan looked engaged in the conversation, but I knew he was excellent at looking like he was listening.

I tossed the empty bottle in the recycle bin under the cabinet and opted for water for the rest of the night. After I took a bottle out of the fridge, I opened it and leaned on the counter. I gazed around at our guests, and my eyes found their way to Avery and Patrick again. They were sitting side by side on the couch, talking to Juan still. Juan sat on the arm of a chair and carried on as if he didn’t notice Avery’s hand was leisurely rubbing against Patrick’s crotch. I brought the bottle of water to my lips and looked at Morgan. I was surprised to find him staring at me, so I raised my eyebrow at him. He glanced at Patrick and then raised his eyebrow. I didn’t know what that was all about and didn’t spend much time analyzing it.

Morgan and Violet ended up staying just a bit longer. I walked them out into the hallway away from all the noise.

“Thank you again for the graduation gift, Hollis. It’s too much, but I really appreciate it and am looking forward to my own place.” Morgan hugged me, and I slapped his back before we stepped out of the embrace.

“I meant what I said, man. Patrick and I need some art for the walls.”

Morgan’s grin appeared, and it almost seemed uncontrollable for him. He ran his thumb and forefinger across his bottom lip until they touched in the center. By then, the grin was gone.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. It’s been a great day. A big day. I’m just happy.”

“Well, Zed and Alfonso are downstairs and will make sure you two get home. Make sure Mom and Dad don’t smell beer on you, or neither of us will be happy.” I hugged him one more time. “I’m so proud of you. Congratulations, Morg.”

“Thank you. Tell Patrick I said thank you.”

I nodded and watched them walk down the hall until they reached the elevator lobby. When I went back inside, I spotted Avery alone with Patrick on the couch, their mouths pressed against one another’s.

I joined Leah and Natalie in the kitchen, and the two of them instantly started to flirt with me. Maybe now that my brother was gone, they felt like it was okay.

“You look like you work out a ton, Hollis,” Natalie said as her eyes roamed across my arms and chest.

“I do. I have to so I can stay in the best shape possible.”

“Can you pick both of us up at once?” Leah asked.


I bent my knees and wrapped my arms around the backs of their thighs. They took hold of me as I stood, and when I was upright, both of their hands roamed my chest and abs. They looked at one another and giggled.

“Oh my God, your chest is so hard,” Natalie blurted out. She seemed surprised to find my muscles were hard.
