Page 106 of Casualty of Devotion

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As we stop at a red light, I release her hand, discreetly texting my security detail, letting him know that the black BMW is okay. My phone pings with a thumbs up sign. Irelynn is so used to me checking the cameras around my apartment that she’s oblivious, her gaze locked on the passing scenery.

“I love the fall colors, but I hate when the leaves fall, crumbling to the ground, withered and brown.” Sadness casts a shadow on her face. “Soon, the trees will be naked and barren, as the cold batters them and the snow eventually falls on them.”

My hand reaches back to hers, squeezing gently, worry in my eyes. “Baby. That sounds… depressing. Are you okay?”

She releases a long sigh. “Not entirely. I missed a few weeks of autumn I can’t get back. And now…” She looks out the window at the darkness blanketing the world. “I usually love Halloween. But this year… I just can’t seem to get into the spirit. I’m too fearful.” Her gaze meets mine and I hate the uncertainty and worry that war in her eyes. “Now, I know that there are dangers around me. It’s like my wide-eyed innocence was stripped from me when I was captured.” She looks down at our intertwined fingers, biting her lip. After a few beats, she meets my eyes again. “I really don’t think William is a threat, but I’m not sure. But Damian… if he escapes and returns to Lockwood, he’s definitely a threat. And I’m not only worried about me, but you.”

“God, sweetheart. I hate that you’re feeling this way. I’d do anything to give you back your innocence and security. It fucking kills me that it was stripped from you like that.” I put my turn signal on, pulling into a parking lot. Irelynn looks confused as I park, leaving the ignition running. Unfastening my seat belt, I lean over and undo hers, then wrap my arms around her. Her body shakes slightly as she struggles to hold it all inside. As I stroke her back, she breaks, her warm wet tears against my neck as she grips me tighter. Holding her against me, I let her get it all out.

She finally pulls back slightly. My thumbs go to her face, wiping the tears from beneath her eyes, my heart squeezing inside my chest from the despair on her face.

“I’m so sorry, Max. I just… I want to be normal again. But I’m not sure when that’s going to happen.” Her head lowers, shame etched on her features.

My heart feels like someone is squeezing the organ within their fist. My chest constricts, making it hard to breathe. “Baby, look at me.” My fingers go to her chin, gently tilting her face to mine. “I love you no matter what. Nothing will ever change that.”

Her chocolate eyes darken with fear. “Even if I’m damaged?” she whispers, her tone laced with worry.

“Allof you. Every single fucking piece of you is incredible, Irelynn Rose.” My hand cups her cheek. “When we first met, I was still so fucking broken. I had no desire to get involved with anyone, for fear my heart would be torn to shreds again. And then you came along, a magnetic force, and I felt an irresistible draw to you. I fell harder every single time I was around you.” I watch her face soften, the subtle glow of happiness spreading over her features. “You helped heal me, Irelynn. The way you were with me, the respect and care you displayed, it made me realize I wasn’t too broken to be loved. I just needed to find the right person to love me.” My fingers stroke her soft skin as I lose myself in her big brown eyes. “That person is you. You helped put the pieces of my heart back together, making me whole again.”

I swallow hard, overcome with emotion. “I’d be honored to do the same for you, Irelynn. I’ll be with you every step of the way. I mean it when I say you are my entire world. My everything.”

Her eyes well with tears and when she blinks, they fall down her cheeks. “Max, I love you so damned much.” Her voice quivers, and she stops speaking, her emotions overwhelming her. “Thank you for helping me to believe that I’m not too damaged to love.” Her shoulders droop as she says, “Deep down, I’ve been afraid that eventually, you’d tire of me being fearful…” Her eyes close, her face turning pale.

“Never.” My voice is so strong, so full of assurance, that she opens her eyes, locking them on mine. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’m with you every step of the way. I’m as much a part of you as you are of me.” I give her a gentle smile. “You’re never getting rid of me.”

The smile that lights up her face is brighter than the full Halloween moon above us in the sky. My lips move to hers, breathing her in as her responsive lips move against mine, tasting of frozen coffee and chocolate croissant. I inhale her apple cinnamon scent, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth gently. Her exhales become my inhales as I kiss her thoroughly, lovingly, communicating with my lips how precious she is to me. How damn much I love this woman, and that she’s it for me.

If I can’t have her, I don’t want anyone else. I’d rather be alone the rest of my life than live without her.

We kiss until we are breathless, our lips swollen.

And when we finally break apart, our gazes still locked together, I see my future in her eyes. It melts my fucking heart.

I hope she sees her future in mine because I want all of her. Every hope, dream, and wish she has, now and forever. Her body, heart, and soul forever.

As if she can read my thoughts, she nods, her hands moving through my hair. “My future is with you. You and I are forever.”

Pulling her against me, I kiss her again, my heart full. I have no idea what I did to earn the love of this amazing woman, but I’m fucking blessed beyond measure to have it.

And I’m never, ever letting her go.

After Irelynn is snuggled up in a heated blanket on the couch, searching through the movie choices, I kiss her cheek and tell her I need to go outside to my Jeep for just a minute.

Pulling open the door, my eyes scan the parking area immediately outside my door, looking for William’s car, but I don’t see it.

Fuck. I was hoping William would be out here.

Closing the door behind me, I set the alarm, my gun in the holster at my hip. I made sure Irelynn didn’t see me tuck it into my sweatpants before I ran outside.

Although it’s dark, the various parking lights illuminate the area, which, when combined with the bright October moon overhead, allows me to perform a full parameter check without the use of the flashlight on my phone. As I walk, my ears strain for any noise, my gaze rapidly roving over all the cars in the lot, as well as those parked along the nearby streets. But there’s no trace of his Beamer.

An uneasy feeling settles into the pit of my stomach, making it feel like a lake full of acid. I hurry to my Jeep, unlocking it and grabbing the bottle of antacids I keep in the center console. Popping a couple into my mouth, I chew them as I hop out, heading back to Irelynn.

Was William watching out for me and Irelynn, or does he have something sinister planned for us?

Chapter thirty-four

