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It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

My feet slip as I hurry across the leaf-strewn path, my shoes crunching through the brown and red leaves that cover it, hiding the rocks beneath. I’m in too much of a hurry to slow down, though I don’t know why.

I don’t recognize this part of the forest, yet my body instinctively propels me along the trail, as though it knows exactly where I’m going and why. My head feels slightly woozy. When I look down, I notice bandages protruding through my shirt.

‘Why do I have bandages on my skin? Is it from when Matthew shot me?’

There are no answers, so I continue onward, not even bothering to stop and look at the wounds beneath them. A strong urge fuels me onward to my unknown destination.

A small stream flows beneath a small, treacherous-looking bridge in front of me. The wood splintered and cracked in places, rotting in others. My eyes rapidly scan the area, looking for another way around, but I can’t see any other way.

Taking a deep breath, I step to the very edge where the trail meets the bridge, intently focused on finding the safest way across.

Darkness rolls across the sky, blocking out the light. Looking up, I see the dark, ominous clouds rolling across the sky, the threat of a storm imminent. I need to get across the bridge before the storm hits.

My head lowers and I stare at the bridge with determination. My muscles are rigid, my shoulders are pushed back, and my backpack presses against my sweat-stained shirt.

I plot my journey across quickly, then with a deep exhale, I hurry across, my feet treading lightly on the mossy, disintegrating boards. I’m halfway across, a small smile tugging at my lips, when I slip, grabbing onto the railing. A sinister crack pierces my ears, and fear trails down my spine.


Pieces of the bridge crackle and break beneath me, causing my heart to flutter inside my chest as sweat rolls down my forehead. My muscles tighten as I push myself to my feet, bouncing quickly from foot to foot. Diving forward, I hit the dirt trail with a hard thud, knocking the wind out of me.

My head rests on my arms as I breathe deeply, the earthy smell of moss mixing with the crisp, slightly sharp scent of the leaves beneath me.

Lifting my face, I slowly roll to my back as a loud crash booms behind me. My eyes widen with horror as I watch the dilapidated bridge collapse.

There’s no going back.

As I slowly sit up, then work my protesting, sore muscles to a standing position, a strange sensation hits me. It’s symbolic in nature, like there’s no turning back from wherever I’m heading.

In choosing to forge ahead, I’m changing the course of my life.

The splintered and broken bridge reminds me of myself.

Did I finally put the fractured pieces of my past behind me?

Despite my heavy backpack, I feel a huge weight has lifted from my shoulders. A bright smile spreads across my face and for the first time in a long time, I’m free.

I’ve shed myself of the shackles that bound me to my wretched past.

The wind lightly blows around me, cooling my skin, pulling me from my reverie. A crack of thunder sounds in the distance, reminding me that the storm is fast approaching.

Fueled by determination, I continue onward, the trail twisting and turning upward, then downhill. Flowing water from the stream grows distant as I move forward. The wind picks up, blowing leaves around, stinging my face as they whirl around me, but I barely notice. There’s a throbbing in my shoulder and upper chest, but I’m not focused on that either.

Because I’ve finally realized where I’m heading.

To Irelynn.

My heart yearns for her. My body physically aches to hold her in my arms so tightly that no one can ever pry her away from me again.

I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries.

Though my leg muscles and chest burn from my rapid pace, my hungry eyes beg for me to get to her as soon as I can, to drink in her beautiful face and the look of love in her eyes.

I may have been foolish as hell before, but I’m going to remedy that as soon as I see her.

I’m telling her how damn much I love her and that I can’t—and won’t—live without her.
