Page 24 of Tremors of Desire

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“No, I didn’twantto.” My arm muscles are so taut the veins stand up against my skin.

“Liar.” Darin’s smile is so smug, I turn away.

I don’t say another damn word.

After a few minutes of his intense stare, I finally turn my attention to him again.

“Did you give her your phone number?” He asks with a wide grin.

I shoot up from the couch, pointing at him. “That’snoneof your business, jackass.”

Darin starts howling with laughter and I throw him a disgusted look. “I’ve gotta piss,” I mutter, shaking my head and standing.

“Don’t beat your meat while thinking of that beautiful woman while you’re in there.”

Giving him the middle finger, I hurry from the room.

Darin is such a damned pest. Jesus.

When I return, Darin is still laughing. I shake my head as I sit down. My phone beeps, indicating I have a text, and I immediately grab it, pulling it from my back pocket.


My eyes trail up to his. “Fucker.”

He laughs so hard he falls against the couch, slapping his knee. I shake my head and shove a huge bite of pizza into my mouth, chewing furiously, my thoughts murderous.

“You wanted it to beher. Just admit it,” Darin finally says once he gets himself under control.

I grab the remote, unmuting the TV, and turn the volume up. “I’ll admit to nothing.” Turning it up louder, I try to drown out his smug laughter.

Flipping him off again, I settle on the cushions, grabbing my beer.

Such an asshole. I take a drink, my attention on the game.

I can barely concentrate as I stare mindlessly at the TV, my mind on what happened with Irelynn and William, followed by Darin giving me shit for it. More specifically, why I’m reacting the way I am with her. I’m offering things I haven’t offered to anyone inyears. And I barely even know her.

During a commercial break, Darin snatches the remote from the coffee table, pressing the mute button. “Okay, Max, fucking spill it.”

I stare at him blankly. “Spill what?”

“Don’t spill what me, motherfucker. You know damn well what.” He shakes his head, taking a swig of his beer, his brows furrowed. “You have been sighing, shifting, sighing again, fidgeting, grinding your teeth, and on and on for this entire game.” He leans forward. “Is what I said bothering you that much?”

No, it’s so much more than that. It’s… how I’ve been feeling for someone I barely know.How I long to talk to her or see her again. I can’t stop thinking about her.

But I don’t say that.

Instead, I swallow and say, “No… I just… I shouldn’t have gotten involved.”

Regret burns in my gut.What the hell was I thinking? After the betrayal I’ve experienced in my past.

I’m so lost in thought I don’t even hear Darin get up and come over. But when the couch cushions sink beside me, I turn and face him.

“Listen, Max, I know things in Florida were shitty as fuck. You’ve experienced more pain and betrayal than anyone I know.” He pauses, his green eyes intent on my face. “But it’s time to move on. From all of that. I’m sorry if I busted your balls about this girl. But you’re right, sheneededyou. There is no one better thanyouwho could have come along. You were ready to kick that guy’s ass to save her.” He pauses, looking at me, his head cocked. Lifting his hand, he places it on my shoulder, squeezing firmly yet gently. “You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known, Max. It sucks that bad shit happened to you. I’m fucking sorry Brianna broke your heart. But dude, you deserve happiness. And if you don’t give this girl a chance, you’ll never know if it could have been great.”

Pausing for a few beats, he stares at me. Finally, he releases a heavy sigh, his mouth pulling into a frown. “Sometimes shit doesn’t work out. And sometimes it does. But you won’t find out unless you take the chance.”

I shake my head. “Darin, why are we talking about this? I’m just making sure she’s safe. I don’t want what happened to my aunt to happen to her.”

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