Page 41 of Hula

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“That’s right, don’t help you asshole.”

“This is the definition of willpower,” I say. “We can do it.”

“Oh I am going to move this fucking car if I have to blow it up.”

“I love a man with a plan.”

“Let’s try again.”

This time it moves another few inches and it looks like we will be able to make it out.

“Okay. Get in.”

We slide into the car like bank robbers making their escape. He edges up and back, turning the wheels left and right until we squeeze by the bumper of the Honda. Alek looks like a man possessed. His jaw is clenched and there are beads of sweat on his forehead. It’s a warm night, but those were made by Herculean effort. Making the turn in front of the house he gives a final message to the valet. Good thing the windows are up.

“Thanks for the help, fuckface!”

He starts laughing. “That was probably me back in the day.”

All anger vanishes as we drive away toward our hideaway. Turning up the music, I dance in my seat to Bruno Mars who sings of leaving his door open.

“La la la, la la la la.”

He likes watching me.

“As soon as we get back on the access road turn right and then watch for the big Bannon tree on the left. It’s about thirty feet down. There’s enough room for one car to park.”

“Glad it’s so close. I haven’t forgotten what you taste like.”

He turns from Paula and Keanu’s property, and heads for the tree.

“There it is!”

The small turnoff is surrounded by thick foliage. I can’t see a thing through the shrubs and trees.

“Is this it? You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

We park in the small space and exit the car.

“Let me get the blanket.”

He pops the trunk and retrieves a soft looking pale green blanket edged in satin.

“Let’s go,” he says, reaching for my hand.

The smell of the sea mixes with night blooming flowers.

“This way, I think,” he says, pushing aside palm fronds.

Alek turns on his cell’s flashlight so we can see a few feet ahead.

Walking through the tangle of foliage is doable. It’s the rocks and stones along the way that is the challenge.

“Watch your step!”

As soon as the warning leaves his lips, I slip on the loose pile of rocks we are crossing over. He catches me.
