Page 75 of Hula

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“Hi,” he says, patting the place next to him.

That blue surf shirt is my favorite. I even like the little blood stain caused by me when I cut my finger that day. I need to get a picture so when we are apart I can remember how he offered to get a bandage for me. Love how his hair falls over an eye, like it’s doing now. When I sit, he gives me a quick kiss.

“Hi,” I say.

“What’s happening?”

He isn’t a big talker. Neither one of us are. But I’m learning to become a better conversationalist, because otherwise we would sit mostly in silence staring at the sea.

“We’re going to dinner in a few hours.”

“Is the restaurant open yet?”

“No. Next weekend. It’s just for the family tonight. Lani is taking us somewhere.”

He nods. I try thinking of something to talk about.

“Did I tell you my mom and I used to build sandcastles on this beach? Right over there.”

“No. That’s cool.”

Crickets. No follow up questions. But whatison his mind surfaces.

“So, you’re really leaving me soon?”

My eyes meet his and fill with tears. There’s also a trembling bottom lip involved.

“Babe. No. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m the one who’s sad. I’m gonna miss you.”

I tuck under his arm and slyly wipe my runny nose on a sleeve.

“Can’t you convince your dad you need to stay here?”

“Tried. It isn’t happening. He has our restaurant in St. Helena, and he already paid for my first year of private school.”

“He can get a refund. If it’s like my school here. The parents had a certain amount of time. I think it was at least a couple of months after the school year starts.”

I sit up.


“Yeah. That’s how my dad sold the idea to me. I could get out if I didn’t like the place, he said.”

My momentary excitement evaporates.

“Doesn’t solve all my problems. He still has his business there. And now I’m thinking this place may not be as great for him as it is for me. Cause my mom and he were here before she died. It might make him too sad. I don’t know.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

“He doesn’t say everything he is feeling. You know how the parents hide the stuff that might upset us?”

He snorts a chuckle.

“Not mine.”

“Oh. Dad does for me. Maybe because he is a single parent.”

“Will you be back, next school break?”
