Page 58 of Bringing Emma Home

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“Are you all right?” Lisa asked, coming into the kitchen with another load of laundry.

He eyed the load. “Sorry I didn’t get all the laundry done.”

“Do you know how to do laundry?” she asked skeptically.

“Yes…” He didn’t have a clue. Other than the years in college, his mother and then Grace had always done the laundry. “No. You’re right. I haven’t done laundry in a very long time.”

“I suspect you haven’t had to do much around the house,” she said, eyeing the counter.

“Yeah. My wife stayed home. We wanted a family and I wanted her to be free to care for our children, not having to divide her time between work and family.”

“Better for you, as well,” she said. “Aidan, are you sure your wife wants me there with you and Emma?”

What was he going to tell her? He couldn’t admit to himself that Grace had left him, let alone explain it to someone he hardly knew. But he had no choice if he wanted to leave for home tomorrow. “It’s been a big adjustment for Grace. All of this.”

“I should say. You didn’t tell her about the affair. Did you talk to her about what you should do about Emma?”

“I tried to, but I didn’t get it right.”

“So she was okay with you coming home with Emma and me?”

“No. To be honest, she wasn’t.”

“Then why would you decide to do it without getting her support for the move?”

“I thought she’d go along with it.” He scrubbed his face as realization dawned. “I’ve always assumed that Grace would go along because she always has. Even now… What am I going to do?”

Lisa placed her hands firmly on the island that separated them. “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to take Emma to your home until you settle your differences with your wife. I can stay here with her, and keep her life as quiet and normal as possible while you and your wife figure out what you’re going to do.”

His stomach burned at the thought of leaving Emma. He had to have her with him. Needed it. “I—I need you to understand how important this is. I have to get back to my work. We’re really busy and I have to be there. I can’t leave Emma. I know you’ll take good care of her wherever she is, but I need to get home. I can’t lose Grace.” He willed her to understand.

She stared at him, her eyes dark. “You have gotten yourself into a terrible mess, haven’t you?”

“I have. And it’s my fault…all my fault.”

“It is.” Lisa squinted as if in thought. “I will go with you on the condition that you talk to your wife and work this out. I will not stay if you don’t make a real effort to settle things with her.”

His shoulders slumped in resignation. “I thought I had. That’s how badly I’ve messed up. I thought she wanted what I wanted.”

“It’s my guess that, in your eagerness to take over Emma’s life, you haven’t been listening to Grace. If you’d been listening, you would not have allowed her to leave here without talking everything through. Why do you think I disappeared that first day? I could tell you two weren’t on the same page over any of this. And anybody with half a brain would have seen how upset your wife was. If you ask me, you need to start over with her.” She gave him a wry smile. “There. I’m done. But it had to be said. And one more piece of advice. Don’t move Emma for a few more days. It’s been only a few weeks since her mother passed away. Give her a little more time.”

Lisa’s words hit him hard. He was so self-centered. And he’d taken Grace for granted. “I don’t want to do anything to upset Emma, but the truth is I need to get back to work. My business is suffering with me being away from the office.”
