Page 41 of Throttle

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“Seriously? Beer and pub food, count me in,” she answers, jumping up from the couch.

“Guess so,” I reply. “Give me five to change?” I look at Saint.

“Sure, take your time.”

I head into my bedroom to pull on a pair of jeans and a nicer tank top. When I return from my room, Elle is talking to Mac. Saint is looking out the window. The hotel view is of the race track, and I spent a few nights out on the balcony just staring at it. It amazes me that I am where I am.

I walk up to the side of Saint. “It’s beautiful looking out onto the track, huh?”

He smiles. “It gives a different perspective, that’s for sure. I’ve been at this track so many times, I've lost count, but this view is different.”

“I’ve spent the last few nights sitting on the balcony just admiring the building, and what it represents. Hey, we can always grab the food and eat out here,” I suggest.

“We could, but I think we’ll have more fun if we let loose a little tonight. Not too much, since you’re going to be sitting in a car for two hundred laps, five hundred miles tomorrow. Let’s enjoy dinner,” he counters, and I really have nothing to come back with.

“Fine, out it is,” I reply as we head back inside to get Mac and Elle.


Sunday - Race Day

My stomach was doing topsy-turvy as I stood on the starting grid next to the car. This was the Indy 500. Holy shit! Elle is next to me, a huge smile on her face. I’m pretty sure she and Mac might have hooked up last night. They did disappear after we returned from dinner. Saint and I hung out on the balcony and talked. I got to get a little insight into the mind of Saint Matthews.

Nothing happened between us, although I really felt the tension building. Instead, he was a perfect gentleman, and I had one of the best nights I've had in a while.

“You nervous?” Elle asks, and I nod.

“A little bit. This is the Mecca race of the INDY series. I’ve dreamt of driving in this race for years, El, and here we are about to do just that. Who would have thought?”

“Me and Grams for starters. Enjoy the day, Haisley. You worked your ass off for this. How was your night?” she asks nudging me.

“Probably not as tantalizing as yours,” I joke back. “Saint and I just hung out and talked. Nothing too heavy, still keeping secrets and wounds close to me.”

“Well, take your pace however you want, Haisley,” she replies.

“So, how was your night?” I inquire.

“It was amazing, but that is all I’m sharing out here with prying eyes and open ears,” she laughs as I shake my head.

“You hussy.”

“Shh, a lady never tells,” she giggles.

“I saw the way he looked at you this morning in the garage,” I counter. “Just give me a number?”


“Four?” I exclaim. “Yeah, you had a more eventful night than I did.”

Before we could discuss anything else, the announcer brings the crowd to attention to begin opening ceremonies. My crew end up lining up behind Elle and me for the national anthem and flyover. I can feel Saint behind me. The air changes when he is around. I sneak a look over my shoulder and find him right where I thought he was. Mac is standing next to him and behind Elle. He offers me a quick smile and then looks forward. Jerk.

I smile to myself and lift my eyes as the flyover approaches. These are always amazing to witness. I say a quick prayer as the singer concludes, and the team rushes for final checks. Saint approaches with my helmet.

“Kill it out there today, you hear me? Leave everything out there. You can do it,” he preaches as he gives me a wink.

“Yes, Captain,” I salute him and laugh.

“Smartass,” he quips back.
