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“We stop the Adams syndicate from coming at us if we hold Hamish’s precious daughter.”

This marriage makes her essentially a political hostage. A pawn to be played if his syndicate steps out of line.

From his perspective, he gains the backing of a powerful organisation and the prowess that brings. There are very few that would dare to challenge Hamish when he has the power to bring down the Frasers and all our allies on any challenger’s head.

It protects everyone, so I’m not sure why Lucas is against it.

“What do we have to fear from Hamish fucking Adams? The man is a third-rate thug at best.”

He’s not, and Lucas knows that. “What’s the matter?” I demand, all patience sliding out from my voice.

“I just think this is fast. We should have kept our options open rather than Charlotte marrying you off to the first bitch who came along.”

“So, your answer to this is for me to sneak out the back door and leave my bride-to-be at the altar and a homicidal lunatic sitting in the church with our brother and sister?”

Lucas’s smile is grim. “I’m just saying I wouldn’t try to stop you if you got the fuck out of here.”

“I’d be leaving you to deal with our raging bitch of a mother if I left.”

“Good point.” He moves over to the window and sighs. “You’d better stay.”

“Luke, we can make this work to our advantage. Elena Adams is a means to an end. That’s all.”

“Fraser,” Lucas corrects. “She’s a Fraser.”

“Not yet,” I tell him, “Though she’ll trade one name for another soon enough.”

Lucas moves over to me and stands in front of me, his gaze roaming over my face. “If you really don’t want to do this, I’ll help you leave.”

I can’t stop the turn up of my lips at his words.

“I’m not leaving, but I appreciate the sentiment. Where’s Zeke?” I ask, changing the subject. Even with an empty pit in my stomach and the feeling of discomfort working through my body, I’m committed to this wedding.

To my family.

To keeping them safe.

My brothers might be happily married, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about them.

Aurelia is another matter entirely. The sooner we get her settled with a good man to protect her, the better.

“He’ll be here. He was struggling a little, and Charlotte thought it would be better if he’s sitting rather than limping around, but you know our brother. Stubborn to the core. He wants to see you. No doubt his words of wisdom won’t be a patch on mine, but he’ll give them anyway.”

Zeke was shot in an assassination attempt a few months back. It had been touch and go whether we were going to lose him, but thankfully he pulled through the worst of it. His recovery has been long though, even with Bailey taking care of him.

He’ll probably never be back to full health, but at least he’s still here.


“He should stay in the ceremony suite. I don’t want him to exert himself.”

“Try telling him that.” Lucas leans against the wall.

“I want today to go off without a hitch. We can’t have a repeat of the other week.”

The attempted assassination of Elena has been playing on my mind since it happened a few weeks ago. My parents and Hamish had dug deep, but neither side had answers as to who was behind it. There are plenty of organisations who would prefer not to see our two syndicates join together, but taking out a defenceless woman is cowardly as fuck. If they want to challenge my family they should come at me, not Elena.

I’ve had Weston on her security since then. I would have preferred her with me, but Hamish wouldn’t allow it. He wanted his own man, but I wanted someone I knew too.

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