Page 3 of Indebted

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Chapter Two – Delilah

It’s dark. There are hardly any lights on the road.

I have no idea where we are. No way of contacting anyone, either. I haven’t had a cell in my possession since the day Jock took me off the street.

And I’m in the car with a maniac.

There I was, thinking I had seen the worst of what life had to offer. Between everything our parents subjected us to and the Bruno family, I figured nothing worse could happen to me. When will I ever learn? There’s always something worse—if not right around the corner, then a little further down the street.

“Where are you taking me?” At least he didn’t put me in the trunk, though I doubt there’d be room back there in something as tiny as this ridiculously over-the-top sports car. It doesn’t fit him at all. I would imagine a man like him in something a lot bigger, less sleek and shining. It’s like he’s trying to fit in any way he knows how.

All it does is remind me of Luca, the way I thought about him when I first arrived at the house. Like a kid playing dress-up in Dad’s clothes. Does he know I’m gone yet? Did he find the earrings?

I shouldn’t have gotten in the car. Damn it, what was I supposed to do? I couldn’t risk him shooting anybody else. But why is that my problem? I didn’t ask for any of this. Why am I going to stop worrying more about other people than I do about myself?

Of all times for me to come to some great realization about my psychology. What a shame I might not live to do anything with this Pearl of wisdom.

He only chuckles, humming to himself the way he’s been doing ever since we left the compound. He’s insane—no surprise there. I kind of figured that out already. But the sound of that humming sets my teeth on edge and makes me want to scream, shake him, claw his fucking eyes out even if he is behind the wheel and coming way too fast for safety. Not like it matters. Maybe it would mean going out on my own terms, come to think of it.

“I asked you a question.” When all he does is hum a little louder, I angle my body so I’m facing him. “Do I need to grab the wheel? Because I will.”

Again with that laugh, this one soft and indulgent. It makes me want to puke. “Come on. Who are you kidding? If you did that, we’d both get killed.”

“Big deal,” I fire back with a snort. “That’s not exactly the worst thing that could possibly happen, is it?”

He tears his gaze away from the road long enough to look at me. “Now that you mention it, it isn’t. But I have no intention of dying tonight, Delilah, and I’ll only make things worse for you if you pull a stunt like the one you just described.”

I think I liked him better when he was humming.

“Why are you doing this? I’m serious. This isn’t one of those ‘scared girl in a horror movie’ situations. I’m honestly asking what you think you’re going to accomplish with this.”

“Come on. We both know you’re not a child. You know the way the world works.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’ll see.” He glances my way again, chuckling—and this time it’s not indulgent, but rather cold and scornful. “Or maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll be gone by the time everything that’s being set in motion comes to fruition.”

“Exactly what do you think you’re doing, though? I’m actually interested, since you seem to have stumbled into this whole situation. Don’t even pretend you planned this.”

“How could I have?”

“Exactly. You didn’t know we would see each other tonight.”

“If there’s one thing that makes me indispensable to my boss, Deanna, it’s my ability to think on my feet. I have a way of seeing through situations, connecting the dots, taking in the bigger picture while others are standing around scratching their heads or their asses.”

Boy, this guy is full of himself. I wonder if I could use that against him. But how? I have to try, at least. I’m pretty sure my entire life depends on it. “And who’s your boss?”

“A man named Dante Bernardi.”

Oh, God. Why didn’t I think of it before? Then again, what reason did I have to think of it? This is all because of him.

“Who is that?” I mean, why should I know his name? I’m trying to convince the guy I have nothing to do with this world, right?

He only snorts. “Don’t give me that shit.”

“Why would I know this boss of yours? I’ve never heard the name before.”

“You mean you never met him? None of his guys?”
