Page 66 of Indebted

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Once we’re outside, I turn to Luca and rest my head against his shoulder. “I didn’t think this would ever happen.”

“I told you I was never going to let him go.” He strokes my back, speaking softly. “Deanna deserved the closure. Now she’s free, really and truly free. She can be whoever she wants to be, just like you can.”

I couldn’t love him more if I tried. Is it messed up, this swelling of emotion when there’s such grisly stuff happening around us? Maybe. Maybe that’s what makes us perfect for each other, too.

“Right now, there’s only one thing I want to be.” I look up at him, more certain than I’ve ever been of anything in my life. “Yours. I just want to be yours.”

“That’s already a done deal.” The arm around my waist tightens, hauling me in close. “Because I’m never letting you go. You’re part of me. You’re family. And that’s all that matters.”

And then a gunshot rings out, and we both flinch at the sudden sound. A moment later, Deanna steps outside, then tilts her face upward so she can look at the sky before taking a slow, deep breath. She closes her eyes, smiling a little, and I know Luca’s right. She’s finally free.

And we have him to thank for it.

Vincent joins us, nodding to Luca to tell him it’s finished. “Come on,” Luca suggests. “Jock will meet up with us back at the house. I think we should do something special tonight, to celebrate a little. New beginnings. What do you think?”

Deanna nods, her smile widening. “Yes. I think we need to celebrate new beginnings.”

I take her hand, holding Luca’s with the other. Together we go back to the car, ready to face the future.


When a surprise from Vincent’s past lands on the family’s doorstep, the Bruno family’s clown prince has no choice but to grow up - fast.
